Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers
pour la Liberté de Conscience
(CAP Freedom of Conscience)

NGO with ECOSOC consultative status at the United Nations
Registration on EU Transparency Register 628479527756-78
Civil society platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU FRA
CSEP Network members
 French non-benefit association register : W751082307
Member : European Federation for Freedom Of Belief – FOB
Member : European Network Of Religion and Belief – ENORB
Member : Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations – ConGo

Advisory Board : International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue
DAFOH Partners in Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting


Contact :

phone : +336 70 66 04 42

CAP Liberté de Conscience – 117, rue de Charenton – 75012 – France

What is “Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience” (CAP Freedom of Conscience)?

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a secular European NGO with United Nations Consultative Status, created in 1995 and dedicated to protect the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience combats all forms of discrimination based on religion or belief by alerting European and International bodies.

CAP Freedom of Conscience collects testimonies of discrimination and human rights violations affecting religious or belief communities in order to disseminate them to international bodies, and in order to raise awareness and inform them as well as to generate debate on the protection of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience also advocates for any religious or spiritual group facing discrimination to have their right to Freedom of Religion and Belief recognized.

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a member of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB), European Network Of Religion and Belief (ENORB) and participate to the Civil Society Platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.

CAP LC General Assembly report 2021


FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU
The FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU is an informal group of individuals from civil society who gather regularly to discuss FoRB issues on a non-attribution basis. It is simply a safe space where participants gather, speak freely in sharing ideas and information, and propose joint advocacy actions to address specific FoRB issues and problems globally.





European Parliament Intergroup presents its first Freedom of Religion or Belief World Report

The European Parliament Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Religious Tolerance (EP Intergroup on FoRB & RT) presented its first Annual Report on the ‘State of Freedom of Religion or Belief’ at an event hosted by the Intergroup in collaboration with United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Speakers included the Chairs of the EP Intergroup on FoRB & RT and USCIRF as well as the Director of Human Rights at the European External Action Service (EEAS).

Anti-mosque act, FOB report

The close examination elaborated by the vice-chairman, Dr. Alessandro Amicarelli, on behalf of FOB shows the picture of a regulation which, besides being conflicting with the Italian Constitution, violates also the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights and those included in the Guidelines of the FoRB programme issued by the Council of the EU, and that Italy is indeed called to respect. FOB also remarks that what has been underlined by the European Court of Human Rights on the occasion of several cases of disputes on the same subject is completely disregarded by the Lombardy law, opening further the possibility, in presence of all the prescribed requirements, of filing a complaint before the European Court in Strasbourg against the content of this piece of legislation.

Intergroup calls on the European Union to focus on protecting religious or belief minorities in the MENA region as ISIS attacks Christian villages in Syria

The European Parliament Intergroup on FoRB and RT (Intergroup on FoRB &RT) condemns the attack on Christian villages and the abduction of Syrian Christians in Syria. Activists have claimed that ISIS has massacred a number of Christians, burned dozens of houses, torched churches and abducted men, women and children in a series of dawn raids in Northeast Syria. The attack on the Christian villages in Syria follows the murder of 21 Copts in Libya by ISIS last week.

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