What is “Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience” (CAP Freedom of Conscience)?

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a secular European NGO with United Nations Consultative Status, created in 1995 and dedicated to protect the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience combats all forms of discrimination based on religion or belief by alerting European and International bodies.

CAP Freedom of Conscience collects testimonies of discrimination and human rights violations affecting religious or belief communities in order to disseminate them to international bodies, and in order to raise awareness and inform them as well as to generate debate on the protection of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience also advocates for any religious or spiritual group facing discrimination to have their right to Freedom of Religion and Belief recognized.

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a member of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB), European Network Of Religion and Belief (ENORB) and participate to the Civil Society Platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency DAFOH Partners in Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting

Religious Persecution and Human Rights: UN Report Examines Torture and Religious Freedom

Religious Persecution and Human Rights: UN Report Examines Torture and Religious Freedom

In the  report “Freedom of Religion or Belief and the Prohibition of  Torture”, the UN Special  Rapporteur Nazila Ghanea looks at how religious persecution is linked with human  rights  violations. The study which was discussed at the 58th session of the Human Rights Council and later made  news by European Times News, focuses on how religious prejudice can lead to institutional violation.

 The focus of  the report is on the connection between coercion and religious freedom. According to European Times  News,  Ghanea said, “Not all forms of coercion reach the threshold of torture or ill-treatment,  but all forms of torture  committed on persons on the basis of their religion or belief constitute coercion.”

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Ahmadiyya Persecution in Pakistan: A Systematic Violation of Human Rights

Ahmadiyya Persecution in Pakistan: A Systematic Violation of Human Rights

The EU has told Pakistan not to take its GSP+ status for granted because  compliance with international human rights obligations is a condition for the trade preferences under the scheme. The EU has  also expressed its concerns over Pakistan’s violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which Pakistan signed  in 2010.

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Peaceful Protest in Geneva for Religious Freedom and Solidarity with the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light

Peaceful Protest in Geneva for Religious Freedom and Solidarity with the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light

Geneva, Switzerland—December 20, 2024: On December 20, adherents of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light from across French-speaking countries in Europe will gather in Geneva to peacefully protest the ongoing persecution of members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light in Jordan. This demonstration of solidarity aims to shed light on the grave injustices faced by Ahmadi communities in Muslim-majority countries and to demand accountability from Jordanian authorities for the violation of religious freedom.

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new condemnation of UNADFI : no, UNADFI is not above the law

new condemnation of UNADFI : no, UNADFI is not above the law

On December 2, 2024, the Marseille Magistrates’ Court ordered UNADFI (Union Nationale des Associations de Défense des Familles et de l’Individu) to publish a right of reply from CAP Liberté de Conscience on its website within 48 hours, subject to a penalty of 50 euros per day of delay. UNADFI had argued that its status as an organization of public utility meant that the law did not apply to it but the judge ruled that UNADFI was not above the law.

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Human Rights Now And in the Future

Human Rights Now And in the Future

By Thierry Valle President CAP Liberté de Conscience 10/12/2024 Strengthening international solidarity to improve the Human Rights situation in the future Why It Is Crucial to Promote the Idea of International Solidarity in Human  Rights  It is a great pleasure to...

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Systematic Persecution: Pakistan’s Continued Assault on Ahmadiyya Religious Freedom

Systematic Persecution: Pakistan’s Continued Assault on Ahmadiyya Religious Freedom

On November 22, 2024, a horrifying incident of religious persecution unfolded in Kot Karam Bakhsh, Sialkot, revealing the systematic marginalization of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Pakistan. According to the International Human Rights Committee (IHRC) incident report, approximately 150 extremists from Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), accompanied by local police, launched a coordinated attack on a 70-year-old Ahmadiyya mosque.

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CAP Freedom of Conscience involvement UNITED NATIONS


57th Session Human Rights Council Hears Alarming Report on Persecution of Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light in Jordan

During the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting there was a discussion, about the challenges Ahmadi Religion of Peace members are enduring in Jordan due to persecution issues discussed in a report presented there recently by Christine Mirre, director CAP Freedom of Conscience who emphasized the difficult situation of six Ahmadis currently undergoing trial over accusations of “heresy,” which poses a serious threat, to their basic human rights.

HRC 57 Oral Statement Jordan: Six members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light to be tried as heretics

We are deeply concerned about the arrest in Jordan in late July of six members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, a new religious movement founded 25 years ago.

They were just distributing in public in Amman flyers which simply described traditions related to the appearance of Imam Mahdi.

They were detained in unhuman conditions, mice and rats infesting their cells. They were released on bail after about three weeks of detention. But they were forced to pledge a payment of 70,000 US Dollars, should they ever publicly express or propagate again their religion.

CCPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 142 Session Pakistan

CAP Liberté de Conscience September 2024 Ahmadiyya Community in Pakistan Faces Alarming...

HRC 57 Writtten Statement India is being encouraged to protect political rights in the face of violations

CAP Liberté de Conscience has urged the government to tackle its persisting human rights abuses and uphold its obligations outlined in the International Covenant, on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) according to a written statement presented at the United Nations Human Rights Council 57th session.

CCPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 142 Session FRANCE

The report by Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF) and CAP LC presented to the 142nd session of the UN Human Rights Committee paints a disturbing picture of the treatment of Romanian yoga practitioners by French authorities in the aftermath of wide-scale police raids in November 2023.

57th Session of the Human Rights Council Arbitrary Detention UAE

It is essential that the recommendations of the Working Group are implemented without delay, including:

Remedying the situation of the individuals who are arbitrarily detained
Ensuring compensation and reparations
Holding accountable those responsible for violating their rights
Amending legislation that allows the extension of sentences already served which violates the principle of legality and non-retroactivity
Encouraging all States to cooperate with the Working Group

HRC 57 Azerbaijan: 11 Members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light Persecuted for Sharing their Faith

Recently, in Azerbaijan there has been a trend of intolerance where 11 followers of the Ahmedi faith were arrested for openly practicing their beliefs as members of the Religion of Peace and Light.

Side event to the 57th Human Rights Council, Geneva Arbitrary Detention in the UAE: Addressing the Crisis of Civil Society Suppression

In a conference titled “Arbitrary Detention in the UAE: Addressing the Crisis of Civil Society Suppression,” during the 57th session of the United Nation Human Rights Council experts and activists convened to address alarming trends surrounding human rights in the United Arab Emirates. The event showcased personal testimonies from individuals directly impacted by the UAE’s legal framework, particularly highlighting the challenges faced by dissenters and civil society advocates.

HRC 57 Written statement Jordan: Six Members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light to Be Tried as Heretics

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light is a small community in Jordan that faces ongoing challenges, including harassment from authorities, threats of violence, and exclusion from society due to their divergent beliefs from traditional Muslim views. Their beliefs include that the real Kaaba is in Petra, Jordan rather than Mecca, that prophets made mistakes, that fixed prayer times are unnecessary, and that alcohol can be consumed moderately. They also accept LGBTQ people in their community.

HRC 57 Written statement Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Recovery: Discrimination Against Spiritual Minorities Through the Abuse of Taxes

The written statement discusses the issue of discrimination against spiritual minorities through the abuse of taxes. It argues that religious and spiritual groups have a right to truth, justice, reparation, and recovery when they have been unjustly discriminated against and persecuted.

Side event HRC 57 Arbitrary Detention in the UAE: Addressing the Crisis of Civil Society Suppression

On Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 1 p.m. in the Peace Palace (Room XXV) in Geneva, a side event will feature Joey Shea, Researcher at Human Rights Watch, Ahmed al-Nuaimi,  defendant in the UAE 94 trial, and Matthew Hedges, a British academic held in solitary confinement for nearly seven months. The panel will address serious concerns about arbitrary detention and the repression of civil society in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

HRC 57 Emirati Victims of Arbitrary Detention in the United Arab Emirates

In a written statement submitted to the 57th session UN Human Rights Council, CAP LC has shed light on the plight of Emirati victims whose fundamental rights have been systematically violated by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government.

HRC 56 : Erosion of Muslim Rights and Freedoms in India Highlighted at UN

Internet Shutdown – India holds the dubious distinction of leading the world in internet shutdowns for the 6th consecutive year . In August 2019, the Indian government completely blocked all communication networks in the Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir, including landlines, fixed line internet and mobile networks. The authorities sought to prevent Kashmiris from organizing protests after the government revoked the state’s constitutional autonomous status, splitting it into two separate federally governed territories. Denying access to the internet has become a default policing tactic by Indian authorities, including to shut down protests or criticism of the government. The sufferers are then the common citizens, to many of whom “no internet means no work, no pay, no food”.

48th session Working Group Universal Periodic Review : Persecution of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light in Egypt

Since their implantation in Egypt in 2012, members of a new religious movement in Islam, self-named “The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light,” have been the victims of state repression, social hostility, death threats by extremist imams for being considered heretics.

CFU Co-organised UN Side Event Highlighting the Uyghur Plight

Geneva, Switzerland – On July 5, a side  event, “Combating Islamophobia in Asia: From Awareness to Action,” was held at the United  Nations  Human  Rights  Council’s (UNHRC) 56th Session to address the threats of Islamophobia in Asia, with a focus on the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) persecution of Uyghur Muslims. The event was co-organized by  CAP  Liberté  de Conscience,  Campaign  for  Uyghurs  (CFU), and the  Center  for  Uyghur  Studies. This event coincided with the 15th anniversary of the Urumchi  Massacre, further highlighting the regime’s ongoing atrocities in the Uyghur region due to their ethnic and religious identity.

Ethiopia Item 3: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children

We urgently draw your attention to the ongoing genocide against the Amhara people in Ethiopia, a crisis ignored by this council and its member states. Amhara women face catastrophic realities, including trafficking, gang rape, torture, and witnessing the brutal killings of their loved ones.

56th Session Human Rights Council Side Event on “Countering Islamophobia in Asia: From Awareness to Action”

In recent years, the rise of Islamophobia in Asia has emerged as a critical challenge to religious freedom and human rights across the region. This side event aims to transform dialogue into dedicated action, highlighting effective strategies and fostering international cooperation to address and mitigate Islamophobia.

HRC 56 The Issue of Violence Towards Women and Girls, in the Amhara Genocide A Serious Breach of Human Rights

The Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience a governmental organization with special consultative status has presented a written submission to the 56th session of the Human Rights Council shedding light on the serious human rights abuses taking place in Ethiopia especially targeting the Amhara community. The submission underscores the violence faced by Amhara women and girls framing it within a context of genocide against the Amhara people.

Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review 47th session (4 – 15 Nov 2024) Universal Periodic Review of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a multi-ethnic country with over 76 different groups. The Amhara people are one of the largest ethnic groups with a history spanning over 4000 years in Ethiopia, distributed across various regions of the country. However, they have been impacted significantly by targeted attacks, displacement, and grave human rights violations. This report aims to address the widespread abuses faced by the Amhara community throughout Ethiopia,.

Activity Report for CAP Liberté de Conscience during the 55th session of the Human Rights Council

Throughout the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, the Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience actively engaged in addressing a range of human rights concerns affecting religious minorities and vulnerable groups across Europe, Africa, and Asia. The organization’s interventions aimed to raise awareness, call for immediate action, and urge governments to uphold their obligations to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all individuals, regardless of their religious or spiritual affiliation.

UN Human Rights Council Draft Resolution Calls for Strengthened Protection of Minority Rights

The United Nations Human Rights Council is currently considering a draft resolution (A/HRC/55/L.22) that aims to bolster the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities. The resolution, sponsored by a diverse group of countries, emphasizes the need for States to take concrete measures to ensure the full enjoyment of minority rights and promote social cohesion.

Oral declaration : Item 10: Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral report on Ukraine

At the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, CAP Liberté de Conscience and Human Rights Without Frontiers will raise the alarming issue of approximately 20,000 Ukrainian children who have been forcibly transferred from occupied Ukrainian territories to Russia. Despite the efforts of NGOs and the mediation of Qatar, which have led to the rescue and reunification of only a few hundred children with their families in Ukraine, the scale of this crime against humanity remains staggering.

HRC 55 UPR Outcome of Germany Urgent Appeal to Germany Stop the Deportation of Ahmadi Asylum Seekers Immediately

The Coordination of Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) has issued an urgent appeal to the German government during the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, urging an immediate halt to the deportation of Ahmadi asylum seekers to Pakistan. This call for action was made following the review of Germany’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) outcome on 22 March 2024.

HRC 55 Human Rights Council : Human Rights group sounds urgent alarm over India’s discriminatory citizenship law

Geneva, Switzerland (20 March 2024) – A prominent human rights organization today issued an urgent call for India to repeal its newly implemented Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which discriminates against Muslim migrants by denying them a pathway to citizenship based solely on their religion.

HRC 55 Written Statement : Stigmatization and Hate Crimes Against Religious Minorities in Europe

This statement from the NGO CAP Liberté de Conscience raises concerns about stigmatization, intolerance and hate speech towards religious minorities in Europe, often labeled pejoratively as “cults” or “sects”. It argues this phenomenon is fueled by anti-cult movements, sensationalist media coverage, and government bodies like France’s Miviludes that work with anti-cult associations.

CAP Freedom of Conscience involvement in Europe

2024 WARSAW HUMAN DIMENSION CONFERENCE France Institutional torture

Institutional torture can take many forms, and one particularly insidious manifestation is when control and ideology take precedence over  human dignity[i]. The case of the French police’s treatment of Romanian yoga practitioners is a stark example of this.


First of all I would like to thank Mrs Maxette Pirbakas MP and the organisers of this 3rd Faith and Freedom summit for inviting me to give you a presentation on the theme of “the social action of Faith-Based Organizations”. I would like to take you on a journey through time, exploring the profound impact of Faith-Based organisations in promoting peace and social equality from the 15th century to the present day.


ODIHR recognizes France’s efforts to address hate crimes in a comprehensive manner, and improve its hate crime data collection. However, based on available information, it observes that France’s hate crime recording and statistics do not sufficiently distinguish hate crimes from other crimes. In addition, ODIHR observes that France would benefit from enhancing its efforts to build the capacity of prosecutors and judges to prosecute and sentence hate crimes.

Recognizing and recording bias motives essential to counter hate crime and restore victims’ trust, OSCE human rights office says

WARSAW, 16 November 2023 – Launching its annual Hate Crime Report on today’s International Day for Tolerance, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) emphasized the importance of identifying the underlying bias motives of hate crimes in order to diminish the impact on victims and assist their recovery.

How the way a state treats religious minorities affects the way its citizens live together.

The French government has established a system of control over these minorities that is unique in Europe and that leads to serious violations by the State of the principles of freedom of religion or belief, equality of French citizens before the national institutions, and fraternity, by dividing citizens according to whether or not they belong to a recognized religious or belief minority, and by creating a climate of suspicion and sometimes even hatred towards non-traditional beliefs, leading to a deterioration in the quality of peaceful living together.

OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension 2023 discusses persecution of Ahmadi Religion members

Thank you, I’m Christine Mirre, From CAP Liberté de Conscience We have discovered that over one hundred members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, a peaceful Muslim minority persecuted as heretics in several Muslim majority countries have been detained for over four months in Turkish immigration centers and are now being progressively released on the bases of a Turkish court decision.

CAP Freedom of Conscience Statement on France Plenary Session IV: Fundamental freedoms II

On behalf of UNITED SIKHS and CAP Liberté de Conscience, I address a critical issue affecting our Sikh community and the principles of religious freedom, values we all hold dear.

In recent years, France has become a focal point of concern due to its long-standing ban on Sikh turbans in state schools.

This ban, in place for two decades, violates the fundamental rights of Sikh students to express their faith by wearing turbans, under-turbans, and top-knot coverings, directly contradicting principles of human rights and religious freedom.

Side event OSCE 2023 Addressing Anti-Religious Hate Crime in the OSCE Area

Anti-religious intolerance and hate crimes continues to be a concern across the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) region. Such manifestations of intolerance threaten both the security of individuals and societal cohesion, as discrimination and intolerant discourse often escalate into violence and wider scale conflict. At the same time, a comprehensive security regime is also needed to fully respect, protect and fulfil freedom of religion or belief, which is specifically acknowledged as one of the fundamental principles guiding mutual relations among OSCE participating States and an integral aspect of the OSCE’s concept of security. Furthermore, participating States of the OSCE have agreed on a broad range of commitments to address racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, discrimination and intolerance, including intolerance against Christians, Muslims, Jews, and members of other religions.

Addressing Anti-Religious Hate Crime in the OSCE Area

Anti-religious intolerance and hate crimes continues to be a concern across the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) region. Such manifestations of intolerance threaten both the security of individuals and societal cohesion, as discrimination and intolerant discourse often escalate into violence and wider scale conflict. At the same time, a comprehensive security regime is also needed to fully respect, protect and fulfil freedom of religion or belief, which is specifically acknowledged as one of the fundamental principles guiding mutual relations among OSCE participating States and an integral aspect of the OSCE’s concept of security. Furthermore, participating States of the OSCE have agreed on a broad range of commitments to address racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, discrimination and intolerance, including intolerance against Christians, Muslims, Jews and members of other religions. This side event will present the current situation in the OSCE area with regards to anti-religious hate crime, including reporting and addressing it. It will also highlight ODIHR’s recent and forthcoming tools, such as community security guides and factsheets. The discussion will also address gender-related aspects of anti-religious hate crime. The side event will be organized by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) with the support of the FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU

The various peace and security proposals put forward by the United Nations UN Security Council on the conflict in Sudan.

The United Nations Security Council convened on 2nd June 2023, to discuss the ongoing situation in Sudan.

The members of the Security Council recalled the previous Press Statement issued on 15 April 2023, expressing deep concern regarding the continued military clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces.

I will summarize the key points and outcomes of the Security Council’s deliberations.

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Human Rights Now And in the Future

Human Rights Now And in the Future

By Thierry Valle President CAP Liberté de Conscience 10/12/2024 Strengthening international solidarity to improve the Human Rights situation in the future Why It Is Crucial to Promote the Idea of International Solidarity in Human  Rights  It is a great pleasure to...

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Side event HRC 57 Arbitrary Detention in the UAE: Addressing the Crisis of Civil Society Suppression

Side event HRC 57 Arbitrary Detention in the UAE: Addressing the Crisis of Civil Society Suppression

On Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 1 p.m. in the Peace Palace (Room XXV) in Geneva, a side event will feature Joey Shea, Researcher at Human Rights Watch, Ahmed al-Nuaimi,  defendant in the UAE 94 trial, and Matthew Hedges, a British academic held in solitary confinement for nearly seven months. The panel will address serious concerns about arbitrary detention and the repression of civil society in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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Social Impact of Faith-Based Organizations in Europe

Social Impact of Faith-Based Organizations in Europe

FBO’s play a significant role in addressing societal challenges, promoting social cohesion, and advocating for the values of faith and freedom in the European Union (EU). This conference aims to provide a platform for MEPs and Civil Society to discuss the challenges, opportunities and impact of FBOs and their contributions to a more inclusive and sustainable society inside Europe.

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Our heritage is not preceded by a testament

Our heritage is not preceded by a testament

Hannah Arendt quotes an aphorism by René Char (published in Feuillets d’Hypnos in 1946). “During the Resistance, a generation of European writers and men of letters created, in the political vacuum created by the collapse of the old system, a distinct public sphere, a bare space in which freedom could appear. But this opportunity did not last long. This treasure, which had appeared unexpectedly under mysterious circumstances, was soon lost. That generation was unable to give it a name. The history of revolutions was repeating itself.

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Conference 13 Decembre – Façonner un monde de libertés : 75 ans d’héritage et d’impact de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme

Conference 13 Decembre – Façonner un monde de libertés : 75 ans d’héritage et d’impact de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme

Dans le cadre de la commémoration du 75e anniversaire de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, un groupement d’Associations et d’ONG collaborant avec les Nations Unies organise une conférence en ligne les 11 et 12 décembre 2023 (en anglais) et le 13 décembre 2023 (en français). Cette conférence qui a pour thème « Façonner un monde de libertés : 75 ans d’héritage et d’impact de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme ! Comment les Droits de l’Homme façonneront-ils l’avenir ? », vise à explorer l’influence durable et la pertinence de cette Déclaration.

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