Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers
pour la Liberté de Conscience
(CAP Freedom of Conscience)

NGO with ECOSOC consultative status at the United Nations
Registration on EU Transparency Register 628479527756-78
Civil society platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU FRA
CSEP Network members
 French non-benefit association register : W751082307
Member : European Federation for Freedom Of Belief – FOB
Member : European Network Of Religion and Belief – ENORB
Member : Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations – ConGo

Advisory Board : International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue
DAFOH Partners in Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting


Contact :

phone : +336 70 66 04 42

CAP Liberté de Conscience – 117, rue de Charenton – 75012 – France

What is “Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience” (CAP Freedom of Conscience)?

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a secular European NGO with United Nations Consultative Status, created in 1995 and dedicated to protect the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience combats all forms of discrimination based on religion or belief by alerting European and International bodies.

CAP Freedom of Conscience collects testimonies of discrimination and human rights violations affecting religious or belief communities in order to disseminate them to international bodies, and in order to raise awareness and inform them as well as to generate debate on the protection of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience also advocates for any religious or spiritual group facing discrimination to have their right to Freedom of Religion and Belief recognized.

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a member of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB), European Network Of Religion and Belief (ENORB) and participate to the Civil Society Platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.

CAP LC General Assembly report 2021


FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU
The FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU is an informal group of individuals from civil society who gather regularly to discuss FoRB issues on a non-attribution basis. It is simply a safe space where participants gather, speak freely in sharing ideas and information, and propose joint advocacy actions to address specific FoRB issues and problems globally.





HRC 56 : Erosion of Muslim Rights and Freedoms in India Highlighted at UN

HRC 56 : Erosion of Muslim Rights and Freedoms in India Highlighted at UN

Internet Shutdown – India holds the dubious distinction of leading the world in internet shutdowns for the 6th consecutive year . In August 2019, the Indian government completely blocked all communication networks in the Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir, including landlines, fixed line internet and mobile networks. The authorities sought to prevent Kashmiris from organizing protests after the government revoked the state’s constitutional autonomous status, splitting it into two separate federally governed territories. Denying access to the internet has become a default policing tactic by Indian authorities, including to shut down protests or criticism of the government. The sufferers are then the common citizens, to many of whom “no internet means no work, no pay, no food”.

EU Imposes Sanctions on Individuals and Entities Linked to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

EU Imposes Sanctions on Individuals and Entities Linked to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

The European Union has enforced sanctions, on individuals and groups connected to acts of gender based violence. This action was taken by the Council of the European Union as part of efforts to address violations of rights. The decision involves the identification of four individuals and two entities under the EUs Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime. These measures were put in place due to their roles in perpetrating gender based violence.

Media Freedom: The Key to Democracy and Security

Media Freedom: The Key to Democracy and Security

A recent study commissioned by the OSCE Representative, on Freedom of the Media has revealed the connections between media freedom, democracy and global and local security. The detailed research document, crafted by a team from the Varieties of Democracy Institute at the University of Gothenburg presents evidence on why safeguarding media freedom is vital for upholding peace and stability within and among nations.

CFU  Co-organised  UN  Side  Event  Highlighting  the  Uyghur  Plight

CFU Co-organised UN Side Event Highlighting the Uyghur Plight

Geneva, Switzerland – On July 5, a side  event, “Combating Islamophobia in Asia: From Awareness to Action,” was held at the United  Nations  Human  Rights  Council’s (UNHRC) 56th Session to address the threats of Islamophobia in Asia, with a focus on the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) persecution of Uyghur Muslims. The event was co-organized by  CAP  Liberté  de Conscience,  Campaign  for  Uyghurs  (CFU), and the  Center  for  Uyghur  Studies. This event coincided with the 15th anniversary of the Urumchi  Massacre, further highlighting the regime’s ongoing atrocities in the Uyghur region due to their ethnic and religious identity.

Climate Change, Conflict, and Religious Freedom: An Urgent Call for Integrated Action

Climate Change, Conflict, and Religious Freedom: An Urgent Call for Integrated Action

In todays interconnected world the connections, between climate change, conflict and freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) are becoming more evident and urgent. A recent policy brief from Search for Common Ground underscores the importance for decision makers and practitioners to acknowledge and tackle these intersections in order to promote solutions and community resilience.

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