1. Protection of Civil and Political Rights

1.1 The Chinese Authorities’ Attitude Toward North Korean Defectors Who Flee to China (2014-2018)

1.1.1 The Chinese authorities have prevented North Korean defectors from arriving at safe places with the care, help and protection of international human rights organizations, and even arrested and detained them. The Chinese authorities have clearly known that North Korean defectors will suffer from severe human rights abuses and even be sentenced to death once sent back to their country, yet each month they still forcefully deport dozens to hundreds of defectors including children, back to North Korea.

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), from June 2016 to September 2017, 92 North Korean defectors were arrested by the Chinese authorities and at least 37 of them were forcefully deported. (https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/09/03/china-redoubling-crackdowns-fleeing-north-koreans)

According to The New York Times, from the beginning of October 2017, and before the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, over 100 North Korean defectors were detained or repatriated by the Chinese authorities[1].


2018 United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review China CHNK
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