Good morning! I am very honored to be here and share our accomplishments in the promotion of Human Rights and moral values in the society. Thank you very much for inviting me!
I created the “Humanity of Gold” foundation with the purpose of giving power to the children around the world so they can achieve greatness by their own self determinism. I believe that children are the future of humanity and they need to be protected with correct data. This data for me is the 30 Human Rights and some basic moral values excerpted from the book called The Way to Happiness.
When I was a small girl, I saw a TV program on child soldiers in Africa. It stuck with me for years. And then, it was thanks to the amazing example of my dad, who had been working for the promotion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for years, that I quit my job of that time and started using the outstanding materials of Youth for Human Rights to reach thousands in all of Mexico. I created some great projects with Mexican artists to expand massively the Universal Declaration and I realized that people are not only willing to help but they are EXTREMELY willing to help.
Education IS the solution. Correct enlightenment is the source of inspiration and then the call to ACTION. Doing what we know is right is our responsibility and helping others see that is what I really love to do.
I have been in front of all types of public: children, teenagers, parents, opinion leaders, artists, government officials, judges, military, lawyers. But, what could I possibly teach the judges, for example, right? When they saw the YFHR materials they cried, it reached their hearts. It Is not a matter of who knows best, or who gives you the most alarming numbers or statistics… it is a matter of UNITING, it is a matter of looking for yourself and act, help each other create a more decent place to live. INSPIRE. Soften the path for others to do the same. UNITE.
In 2017 me and my dad went to Cameroon, Africa. Since I saw that TV program, I wanted to do something about that problem. I “knew” Africa was not the easiest place to go to, but I did not care and made it go right to arrive. Me and my dad had some of the best surprises of our lives, most of them good, but also bad.
The good was that most of the children I met knew most of their human rights!!!! I have never seen anything like it!! In Mexico that is not the case. Children from 5 years old on knew exactly what I was talking about! They are so smart and curious, they asked me the most interesting questions. Real questions that required not the data from a text book, but rationality and intelligence to apply what I was teaching to real life.
The bad one: I realized it is very rough to survive and make a difference surrounded with so much corruption implanted in the minds of the individuals. But not impossible to change.
I did not care how hard and how much time this could take. I knew I was already making the difference when at the end of one presentation to teenagers, one of the boys stood up and told me what he thought: he became more ALIVE with every word he said. I could see the spark in his eyes light up like a flame. I then knew he had already changed and would never go back, he was a fighter just like all of us here.
The knowledge of Human Rights change lives, they give power to the people, knowledge and control over their lives. And little by little will change the world. Don’t you think it won’t.
Give the people knowledge on their rights and they will feel empowered. Give them moral values and they will make a pretty powerful, ethical and causative steering over those rights.
Thank you very much for being here and for all that you do in your countries.