Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers
pour la Liberté de Conscience
(CAP Freedom of Conscience)

NGO with ECOSOC consultative status at the United Nations
Registration on EU Transparency Register 628479527756-78
Civil society platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU FRA
CSEP Network members
 French non-benefit association register : W751082307
Member : European Federation for Freedom Of Belief – FOB
Member : European Network Of Religion and Belief – ENORB
Member : Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations – ConGo

Advisory Board : International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue
DAFOH Partners in Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting


Contact :

phone : +336 70 66 04 42

CAP Liberté de Conscience – 117, rue de Charenton – 75012 – France

What is “Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience” (CAP Freedom of Conscience)?

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a secular European NGO with United Nations Consultative Status, created in 1995 and dedicated to protect the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience combats all forms of discrimination based on religion or belief by alerting European and International bodies.

CAP Freedom of Conscience collects testimonies of discrimination and human rights violations affecting religious or belief communities in order to disseminate them to international bodies, and in order to raise awareness and inform them as well as to generate debate on the protection of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience also advocates for any religious or spiritual group facing discrimination to have their right to Freedom of Religion and Belief recognized.

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a member of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB), European Network Of Religion and Belief (ENORB) and participate to the Civil Society Platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.

CAP LC General Assembly report 2021


FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU
The FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU is an informal group of individuals from civil society who gather regularly to discuss FoRB issues on a non-attribution basis. It is simply a safe space where participants gather, speak freely in sharing ideas and information, and propose joint advocacy actions to address specific FoRB issues and problems globally.





Unveiling Authoritarism : Assessing China’s Governance and Human Rights Landscape Religious Freedom in China : Advocacy at the United Nations

Unveiling Authoritarism : Assessing China’s Governance and Human Rights Landscape Religious Freedom in China : Advocacy at the United Nations

At every session of the Human Rights Council since 2016, CAP LC has intervened through written and oral statements on the issue of religious freedom in China. We have denounced the persecution, arbitrary detention, and torture of members of religious minorities, the forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong members, and the treatment of Uyghurs in forced labor camps in Xijiang.

Concern Grows Over Lalibela Churches in Ethiopia

Concern Grows Over Lalibela Churches in Ethiopia

Worries are mounting over the preservation of the historic churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia. These structures, listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites, stand as icons of the country’s architecture and spirituality. However, recent reports suggest they could be at risk due to unregulated development activities.

Spécial Loi Dérives Sectaires

Spécial Loi Dérives Sectaires

Nous sommes ravis de vous offrir en avant première la possibilité de découvrir en ligne notre dernière publication, une édition spéciale de l’Oie Déchainée traitant de la loi sur les “dérives sectaires actuellement débattue à l’Assemblée nationale.

Non-governmental organizations held a briefing at the United Nations to condemn the CCP’s organ harvesting

Non-governmental organizations held a briefing at the United Nations to condemn the CCP’s organ harvesting

[, February 8, 2024] (Reported by Minghui Swiss Correspondent Station) On January 22, 2024, two non-governmental organizations – the European “CAP Freedom of Conscience” and “Doctors International” The Organization Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) held a briefing on the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong and organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

A meeting on the persecution of Falun Gong and organ harvesting held before the United Nations human rights review was held at the Palais des Nations

A meeting on the persecution of Falun Gong and organ harvesting held before the United Nations human rights review was held at the Palais des Nations

[Voice of Hope January 26, 2024] (reported by our reporter Wen Simin) The 45th session of the fourth round of the Universal Periodic Review (Universal Periodic Review) of the United Nations Human Rights Council was held on January 22. It begins at the Palais des Nations (Palais des Nations) in Geneva, the European headquarters of the United Nations. The day before the review of human rights in China, a conference titled “China’s Deprivation of Universal Human Rights “, focusing on the persecution of Falun Gong and organ harvesting from living persons, was also held at the Palais des Nations . On the 22nd and 23rd, some Falun Gong practitioners from the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, France, the German-speaking and French-speaking areas of Switzerland held truth-clarification activities at the Place des Nations opposite the Palais des Nations.

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