Human Rights Council

48th regular session of the Human Rights Council

13 September – 8 October 2021

General Debate on item 4

21st Meeting, 48th Regular Session Human Rights Council

human rights situation in Balochistan

Honourable Presidente,

We would like to draw the Council’s attention to arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances of Baloch political activists, leaders, students, doctors, intellectuals, writers, and human rights defenders. They are being picked up by security forces or their proxy death squads and kept incommunicado for years. As a result of this practice, thousands of Baloch remain missing.  Tortured bodies of thousands have been found.

Data collected from different districts of Balochistan by Baloch Human Rights Council and other human rights organizations shows that only in the first half of 2021, thirty-seven persons have become the victim of this brutal practice. Including among them are Talal Baloch, Bahadur Ali Kiyazai. Bahadur Khan, Ghulam Qadir and Yasir Ayub. 

The Pakistani security forces are using the ghastly act of enforced disappearances to silence the Baloch voices for justice and national rights. The irony is that the Pakistani security forces continue this gruesome practice with impunity.  We request the Council to press upon Pakistan to stop such grave violations of human rights and disregard of international laws. We also request the Council for sending a fact-finding mission to Balochistan to investigate, identify and make accountable those responsible for their crimes.  

Thank You


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