WASHINGTON, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, DAFOH, a leading medical ethics NGO, today announced on behalf of the co-hosting five organizations from the U.S., Europe and Asia the World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting, a series of online webinars to take place between Sept 17-26, 2021.
More than 35 international experts will discuss the abusive practice from medical, legal, political, news media, civil society and policy-making perspectives to elaborate on the impact of the atrocity of forced organ harvesting on humankind. The event organizers also announce the launch of a declaration that will be presented to the public at the end of the World Summit.
A first in the field of medical ethics and human rights in both breadth and scope, the event, open to experts and the public, addresses the forced harvesting of organs from living people not only as a violation of medical ethics and basic human rights, but also as an atrocity against humankind in nature. The systematic killing of people to harvest their organs on an industrial scope is a crime that is unprecedented and should not have a place in the 21st century.
The co-hosting NGOs stand with the global community in sympathy and compassion in hopes of bringing an end to a procedure that violates the inherent dignity of human beings and the universal values of personal autonomy and institutional integrity that civil societies depend upon. The five NGOs include Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, DAFOH, USA; CAP Freedom of Conscience, France; Taiwan Association for International Care of Organ Transplants, TAICOT, Taiwan; Korea Association for Ethical Organ Transplants, KAEOT, S. Korea; and the Transplant Tourism Research Association, TTRA, Japan.
Experts, parliamentarians and witnesses from 19 countries will speak at the World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting to inform, educate, and encourage. The systematic organ harvesting from living people taking place in China is a politically motivated act, as it targets religious groups and minorities, but also the foundations of our civilization.
The profit-based practice in China is now being tackled by five non-profit organizations. The speakers, alarmed by credible independent and public investigations, including the China Tribunal and United Nations experts and rapporteurs, wish to see an end to forced live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Muslims and Christians in China.
Event host Dr. Torsten Trey, Executive Director of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, states: “Forced organ harvesting from living people is an unfathomable, unspeakable disgrace to humankind. Never before in history has an authoritarian regime persecuted living people by killing them with the goal to eradicate them through the installation of a self-propelling, profit-driven organ harvesting infrastructure, potentially turning organ recipients into accomplices as their demand for a transplant surgery might have fueled the transplant abuse. This should be of concern to all humankind.”
For further information and registration: https://worldsummitcpfoh.info/
Contact: Dr. Ann Corson
Email: Ann.Corson@dafoh.org
SOURCE Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting