This joint submission addresses the state of freedom of religion or belief and freedom of opinion and expression in Nigeria. In particular, it presents an overview of the country’s domestic legal framework and draws attention to specific concerns related to the criminalization of blasphemy. Additionally, the report examines the rise in acts of terrorism and mob violence against Christians and religious minorities, including Muslim minorities, and the related climate of impunity over the reporting period.
- HRC 57 Azerbaijan: 11 Members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light Persecuted for Sharing their Faith
- Side event to the 57th Human Rights Council, Geneva Arbitrary Detention in the UAE: Addressing the Crisis of Civil Society Suppression
- Yoga: Descentes de police massives et disproportionées avec abus, au départ d’un règlement de compte personnel
- Suni Scholar Issues “Moral License to Kill Ahmadis”: Mass Rally of Clerics in Pakistan Openly Call for the Murder of All Ahmadis.
- Persecution of Ahmadis Escalates in Pakistan as Mosques are Targeted and Hate Speech Incites Violence