(Covering Working sessions 6-9)

This compilation contains recommendations submitted to the HDIM Documentation Centre in accordance with the established procedure. The compilation is organized by working sessions and by what was submitted by delegations / international organizations / civil society to participating States and, separately, to OSCE institutions / field missions or other international organizations. Recommendations are compiled in original language. This compilation contains recommendations from all documents received at the HDIM Documentation Centre by the end of working session 9; documents received after this time will be included later in the consolidated summary.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Working session 6: Tolerance and non-discrimination I

Recommandations to participating States

Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience
To the Russian Federation:
• to implement the following reports :
– Human Rights Committee Report, Kazakhstan, CCPR/C/Kaz/Q/1, 2 September 2010,
– Report, UN Special Rapporteur, Freedom of Religion or Belief, Para 25, HRC 19/60,
22 December 2011,
– OSCE and Venice Commission Guidelines for Review of Legislation Pertaining to
Religion or Belief, page 16.
– European Union Guidelines on the Promotion or Protection of Religion or Belief, Para.
40 -41.
• to respect the article 18 of the UDHR, and to respect the religious plurality.

Read the full document in PDF

Others OSCE documents :
Statement on Russia
Religious discrimination Hungary

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