Shocking social media video in Pakistan demonises the peaceful Ahmadiyya Muslim community

Shocking social media video in Pakistan demonises the peaceful Ahmadiyya Muslim community

The   video(1)   while  is  circulating  on  social media platforms attempts to malign the community as ‘disbelievers’ and suggests they are posing as Muslims whilst in actual fact being disbelievers.

“Qadiani (derogatory word for Ahmadis) is the only disbeliever in the world who, despite being a disbeliever, claims to be a Muslim and robs the innocent Muslims of their faith,” the video states.

Human Rights Council  Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review Forty-second session 23 January–3 February 2023  Summary of stakeholders’ submissions on Pakistan

Human Rights Council Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review Forty-second session 23 January–3 February 2023 Summary of stakeholders’ submissions on Pakistan

recommended to repeal all anti-blasphemy laws, and ensure that the State’s domestic laws, policies and practices comply with the international human rights covenants, in particular articles 2, 18, 19 and 26 of the ICCPR. It also addressed the multiple and intersecting forms of violence and discrimination suffered by the Ahmadi community, including those faced by Ahmadi women, children and refugees.

Human Rights in Pakistan- Interactive Talk

Human Rights in Pakistan- Interactive Talk

This March, GHRD is visiting Geneva to host the Parallel Event Human Rights in Pakistan. This event will be held during the 52nd regular session on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which spans from the 27th of February to the 4th of April. In attending the sessions, GHRD will focus particularly on the following agenda points: enforced or involuntary disappearances; safety of journalists and the issue of impunity.

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