by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Dec 10, 2021 | news
UNITED SIKHS submitted the report to the Special Rapporteur on 2nd Dec 2022 jointly with Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar, London, the largest Afghan Sikh diasporic Gurdwara, and CAP Freedom of Conscience, an NGO with consultative status at the UN.
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jan 15, 2013 | CAP LC United Nations
The UN Human Rights Committee has made our nine year wait for justice worthwhile, since the French law was passed against religious signs in public schools in 2004
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jan 15, 2012 | CAP LC United Nations
Comments on the UNHRC’s views on the violation by France of Ranjit Singh’s right to wear a turban on his ID photo
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jan 15, 2012 | CAP LC United Nations
The UN Human Rights Committee has asked France to submit a report by March 15th on measures it is taking to remedy the violation of the religious freedom of 76 year old Ranjit Singh,who was asked to remove his turban for his ID photo” said Mejindarpal Kaur, UNITED SIKHS Legal Director, whois in the fore-front of a legal campaign for French Sikhs’ right to wear their turban.