Assessing China’s Governance and Human Rights Landscape/ Invite
Assessing China’s Governance and Human Rights Landscape
Assessing China’s Governance and Human Rights Landscape
Dans le cadre de la commémoration du 75e anniversaire de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, un groupement d’Associations et d’ONG collaborant avec les Nations Unies organise une conférence en ligne les 11 et 12 décembre 2023 (en anglais) et le 13 décembre 2023 (en français). Cette conférence qui a pour thème « Façonner un monde de libertés : 75 ans d’héritage et d’impact de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme ! Comment les Droits de l’Homme façonneront-ils l’avenir ? », vise à explorer l’influence durable et la pertinence de cette Déclaration.
A symbol of hope for global unity 77 years ago The United Nations was born out of hope.
Promoting Freedom of Religion or Belief within the UN Human Rights System Factsheet – This factsheet provides an overview of the UN human rights mechanisms, with a particular focus on those most relevant to freedom of religion or belief. The factsheet describes the mandate and composition of the Human Rights Council and its subsidiaries, which include the Universal Periodic Review Working Group, the Special Procedures mandate holders, and factfinding missions. The UN treaty-based mechanisms, such as the Human Rights Committee established by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, are also explained. The factsheet includes examples of engagement with these mechanisms that has advanced religious freedom. Although these bodies have limitations, they nevertheless provide opportunities for advocacy by and collaboration among states and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working to promote freedom of religion or belief internationally.
States should ensure that school curriculums, when providing information on religious or belief-related issues, contribute to the elimination of negative stereotypes and prejudices against converts and persons or groups engaged in non-coercive missionary activities. This should also be a guiding consideration for assessing the quality of textbooks used in schools;