Press Release November 3rd, 2020
Four everyday people lie dead, another fifteen injured, as a result of yet another senseless terror attack that took place on November 2, 2020, this time in the streets of Vienna.
Other victims will soon be found and, throughout Europe, the body-count is on the rise. This attack was not the work of a single individual gone mad, but rather planned by a group of armed fanatics aligned with one Islamic terror; its ultimate target was supposedly the city’s main synagogue.
Such actions are intolerable, and condemnations abound. But those committed to Islam must take a leading role in the extremism that the majority of its followers detest. That should be stated explicitly.
Wahabi schools spreading extremism and those committed to terror should be treated as outcasts; common cause must be made with leaders of other religions in the pursuit of peace; and it is necessary to endorse specific political measures that defend tolerance, cosmopolitanism, and democracy. Measures of this sort alone will temper hatreds, further peace, and bring together the Orient and the Occident.
That is what all decent people and liberal organizations want to see, including the International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue.
USA : Stephen Bronner
France : Eric Gozlan
Italia : : Antonietta Elia: