Since 2012, CAP LC and other human rights NGOs have repeatedly denounced to the French, European and International authorities the scandal of the French government funding over 92% of the non-governmental organization (NGO) FECRIS (European Federation of Centers of Research and Information on Sectarianism). This NGO:

  • unites European associations, most of which are themselves financed by their own government, (2)
  • spreads through its Russian vice-president, Alexander Dvorkin, a hate speech towards minorities of beliefs, (3)
  • advises institutions with pseudo-expertise (4 and 5)

and flagrantly violates fundamental rights. (6)

All this is endorsed by Mr. André Frédéric, Belgian Member of Parliament, President of AVISO (Assistance to Victims of Sects), who has been newly appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of FECRIS. In his interview to the newspaper l’Avenir on June 7, 2018, he says:

“This is a non-governmental organization that is partly subsidized by the French state. “

There it is, it is clear, the French government finances a non-governmental organization, whose members spread hate speeches, discriminate and violate human rights.

But hey, Mr André Frédéric knows what he says since he is “Mr. Sect” in Belgium. Not because he has an academic education on the subject, or because his expertise comes from extensive field studies but because he states in the same interview:

“By being in touch with this environment, I was invited as an MP expert in sects in Belgium – expert because I am the only one to have shown some interest in it”.

So to youngsters looking for career guidance: find a subject that only you has interest in and you will become an expert in it.







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