A panel of human rights and freedom of religions experts, as well as the leader of Hinduism in Russia have been invited by a French ECOSOC NGO – CAP Liberté de Conscience (coordiap.com) at the United Nations Office in Geneva during the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) session on Russia, to address the alarming and chocking situation of religious minorities in the Russian Federation especially since 3 years, where not only minorities, but large and mainstream religions have been banned from public activities, such as the Hinduism Community despite more than 20 years of perfect integration, but also Jehova Witnesses, Church of Jesus-Christ of Later Day Saints, and many others. Listen the exposition of the hidden factor behind the “bad religion concept”, and the dehumanizing activities of so called “anti-sect offices”, that are generously State funded, not only in Russia but also in Europe, and creating and maintaining such persecution on religious groups other than the official State religion.
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