No society can claim to be idealisticly egalitarian as certain elements of every society always claim superiority over the others, either on ethnic, numerical, or religious basis and try to usurp some rights of the weaker segments, but the governing forces of the societies usually play positive regulatory role in order to quell the unruly advancements of the powerful groups in order to safeguard the rights of the minorities or those weaker segments. In modern world the States have promulgated and implemented laws to guarantee basic human rights for all of its citizens irrespective of their caste, creed or religion and many States have guaranteed these basic human rights by incorporating them in their Constitution or are otherwise accepted by the humanity, while assuring its citizens and international community that the guaranteed right would not be violated at any cost and in case of violation the aggrieved person would be allowed some kind of remedy by approaching the Constitutional Courts for enforcement of those rights.

42th UPR Session PAKISTAN Jan Feb 2023 Persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan

69. Joint Submission 4 (JS4) recommended to repeal all anti-blasphemy laws, and ensure that the State’s domestic laws, policies and practices comply with the international human rights covenants, in particular articles 2, 18, 19 and 26 of the ICCPR. It also addressed the multiple and intersecting forms of violence and discrimination suffered by the Ahmadi community, including those faced by Ahmadi women, children and refugees.

Joint submission 4 submitted by: Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience, Paris (France); International Human Rights Committee (IHRC)Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe (FOREF);

More information

UK Home Office Country Policy and Information Note Pakistan Ahmadis

UN three SRs joint statement issued on Ahmadiyya Persecution worldwide issued on 13 July 2021

USCIRF 2021 Ahmadiyya Persecution Factsheet

CAP LC HRC Written statement International community must pay attention to the state- sponsored persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and worldwide

Submission 42th UPR Session PAKISTAN Jan – Feb 2023 Persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan

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