European Muslim Initiative alerts on Rudy Salle’s report against religious minorities at PACE

On behalf of EMISCO, European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion, its Secretary General Bashy Quraishy has written to the President of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Mrs Anne Brasseur, to alert her on the danger of the report written by Mr Rudy Salles “The protection of minors against excesses of sects”, that will be voted by the Assembly on the 10th of April 2014. According to EMISCO, “this report as well as the draft resolution and recommendation it contains, are violating basic fundamental rights standards that the Council is supposed to uphold and promote”. Here is the content of the letter:

official statement of the Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain

The Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain through this letter expresses its concern about the upcoming vote that will take place at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) regarding the Report adopted by the Committee of Legal Affairs and Human Rights based on a motion presented by the Rapporteur Mr. Rudy Salles entitled: “The Protection of Minors Against Excesses of Sects”.

Professor Pietro NOCITA considerations on Rudy Salles report

Pietro Nocita is a professor of penal procedure and a penal attorney of Roma. He taught penal procedure at the University La Sapienza in Roma University which granted him a Diploma for Merit. He has been the attorney defending the only person in Italy convicted for the crime of Plagio, Mr. Braibanti. He is the scientific director of the historical legal magazine “The Penal Justice” established in 1893. He is the President of the Section “La Terza Roma” of the Italian Association of Giuseppe Mazzini (Associazione Mazziniana Italiana).

The President of the Islam Community of German Speaking Muslims alerts President of PACE on “sects” issue

The President of the Islam Community of German Speaking Muslims & Friends of the Islam e.V. has sent a letter to the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Mrs Anne Brasseur, to alert her about a report entitled “protecting minors against the excesses of sects”, drafted by French member of PACE Rudy Salles. For him: “this report is obviously not aimed at protecting children, but only at targeting religious minorities in Europe, without bringing any evidence that there would be more excesses toward children within religious minorities than within any other group, including mainstream religions.”

The Institute on Religion and Public Policy stands against discriminatory resolution at Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Mar 27, 2014 – The Chairman of the Board of the Institute on Religion and Public Policy wrote a letter to the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to point out the great danger of a report drafted by Rudy Salles, French member and rapporteur at PACE. Mr.s Salles is instructing PACE to adopt policies which would seriously harm religious freedom in EU.

Dutch 2013 study on alleged abuses by “sects” confirms results of 1984: No danger to the legal order or to public health

Before the 2013 study, the most recent comprehensive one conducted in The Netherlands dates back to the early 1980s. It was organized in the wake of the Jonestown Massacre in Guyana (1978), after intense lobbying of Anti-Religious Groups and a very active anti-sect group S.O.S., (a Dutch abbreviation for “Cooperating Parents of Sect Members”) worried about the growing “threat” from New Religious Movements, pejoratively denounced as “sects”

Will the Council of Europe adopt French anti-sect policy?

On 7th April the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will vote on a report regarding “the protection of minors against excesses of sects”. The rapporteur Rudy Salles (France) recommends for Europe to adopt the french anti-sect line, in order to protect children from abuses. In the report he juxtaposes the French and the Swedish ways to relate to minority religions and surprisingly finds that the much criticised french anti-sect line with MIVILUDES and FECRIS would be better suited for the future of Europe.

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