Oral statement
ETHIOPIA: Massacres of Amhara civilians in war and non-war zones
HRC 49th Session ID on HC oral update on Tigray Ethiopia
We are deeply concerned about the mass-scale massacres of civilians in war and non-war zones in Ethiopia as recently reported by Human Rights Without Frontiers.
A few examples, first in non-war zones:
Quite recently, in February 2022, 11 families were captured and killed by OLF rebels in the Shewa zone and 16 children were also executed.
In August 2021 , 300 cases of sexual violence in two months were reported in the Amhara region.
In the same month, over 200 Amharas were killed in the Oromia region.
In the Tigray war zones, 600 to 1200 Amhara victims were killed in November 2020 , in Maikadra.
Each of these and other massacres were reported by credible sources: the US 2020 Country Human Rights Report, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, Reuters, the Ethiopian Herald and local media outlets.
An independent UN inquiry commission needs to investigate the killings of Amhara civilians in the Afar, Amhara, Benishangul and Oromia regions. The perpetrators also need to be prosecuted.
More information :
UN News : Ethiopie : plus de 300 civils tués par des raids aériens en trois mois (ONU)