Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience
CAP Liberté de Conscience and Human Rights Without Frontiers are deeply concerned by France’s failure to respect freedom of religion and belief for all religions, beliefs and spiritual minorities.
Indeed, France continues its hunt against minorities using its Interministerial Mission against sectarian drift, Miviludes as an instrument of discrimination.
Today, a conference on so-called sectarian drifts and conspiracy theories is being held in Paris. It is organized by Miviludes and by the Secretary of State in charge of Citizenship, Sonia Backès.
New legislative measures targeting minorities are to be discussed.
This discrimination by the French state divides citizens according to their religious identity.
This has already led to serious breaches and abuses. For example, since December 2021, Mr. Cyrill Adam has been refused probation because he is pre-convicted as guru of a sect.
Mr. Adam is a victim of the biases propagated throughout the French judicial system by the anti-cult ideology.
We ask France to put an end to this campaign of discrimination and stigmatization of religious and spiritual minorities,
and to respect its commitments regarding Articles 18 of the UDHR and the ICCPR.