Side-event of the 54th session of the Human Rights Council UN Human Rights In Germany

Side-event of the 54th session of the Human Rights Council UN Human Rights In Germany

Since May of this year, over 100 Ahmadis from various countries where they were heavily persecuted, have been detained by the Turkish authorities in Edirne Immigration Detention Center. They want to apply for asylum in an EU country.

Those people from the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light do not want to stay in Turkey, another Muslim majority country, where people also consider them infidels and treat them as such.

Conference EU Parliament : oppression of minorities in Iran and Religious Freedom

Conference EU Parliament : oppression of minorities in Iran and Religious Freedom

It is high time that Iran listened to the voices from around the world imploring it to comply with the universal principles of respect for human rights for all Iranians, and that the persecution, discrimination, and barbaric behavior of another age cease, so that this great country with a rich and glorious history, can once again become the magnificent Iran.

HRC 53 ITEM 3 ID with SR on migrants 26 June 2026 Over 100 Ahmadi religion members under threat of deportation by Turkey

HRC 53 ITEM 3 ID with SR on migrants 26 June 2026 Over 100 Ahmadi religion members under threat of deportation by Turkey

CAP LC and Human Rights Without Frontiers would like to raise to the Council’s attention the urgent crisis of 104 members of the religion in Turkey, who are at risk of facing death sentences and imprisonment because Turkish authorities have decided to deport them back to their home countries, where they are facing extreme forms of religious persecution.

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