FECRIS vice-president, Alexander Dvorkin, persona non grata in Ukraine, criticizes the Maidan movement

Like other pro-Russian and Russian Orthodox extremists, Dvorkin discredited the Maidan movement, saying that the Acting President, Alexander Tourtchynov was a Baptist – which is true -, his Prime Minister Arseni Yatseniuk is a Scientologist his sister chairs a major scientologist organization in the USA – both accusations spread by Interfax-Religion, a Russian press agency, and checked as false by Human Rights Without Frontiers (**).

The Inquisition descends in Brussels

FECRIS (Federation of Centers of Research and Information on Cults and Sects) held its annual gathering on March 24, 2014 in Brussels. As usual, the meeting was shrouded in secrecy and only open to affiliated member organizations and “friendly” individuals. The existence of the meeting and in particular its agenda and venue was even kept off their official Website until a few days ago. This is the more surprising since the meeting was held inside the Belgian Parliament (“The Palace of the Nation”) in the “Salle des Congrès”.

The President of the Islam Community of German Speaking Muslims alerts President of PACE on “sects” issue

The President of the Islam Community of German Speaking Muslims & Friends of the Islam e.V. has sent a letter to the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Mrs Anne Brasseur, to alert her about a report entitled “protecting minors against the excesses of sects”, drafted by French member of PACE Rudy Salles. For him: “this report is obviously not aimed at protecting children, but only at targeting religious minorities in Europe, without bringing any evidence that there would be more excesses toward children within religious minorities than within any other group, including mainstream religions.”


Many were surprised by the recent lecture given by the sect expert A.L. Dvorkin on the history of Islam at the Northern Arctic Federal University that offended Russian Moslems by its contents and received negative responses from leading Islamic figures. It surprised, first of all with the fact that Dvorkin, apparently, practically did not concern Islam earlier in his antisectarian speeches and now suddenly unexpectedly “debuted” in this field.

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