43rd Session Universal Periodic Review Les conditions de détention en France

43rd Session Universal Periodic Review Les conditions de détention en France

Le gouvernement français a institué un système unique en Europe de surveillance de ces minorités qui entraîne de graves manquements de l’Etat aux principes de liberté de religion ou de croyance, d’égalité des citoyens français devant les institutions nationales et de fraternité en clivant les citoyens selon leur appartenance à une minorité religieuse ou de croyance reconnue ou non et en instaurant un climat de suspicion et parfois même de haine pour les croyances non traditionnelles et non normatives.

OSCE 2022 Plenary Session VII Rule of Law II The Case of Cyrille Adam

OSCE 2022 Plenary Session II: Fundamental freedoms I FECRIS

Mr. Dvorkin is a Russian activist with strong links to the Russian Orthodox Church and a close to Patriarch Kirill who for decades has been inundating the Russian, Chinese and Western media with hate speech against spiritual minorities and anti-Ukrainian propaganda. He was the vice-president of FECRIS for years and today he remains a member of its board of directors.

A/HRC/47/NGO/178 : State Funding of anti-religious associations in France

A/HRC/47/NGO/178 : State Funding of anti-religious associations in France

CAP Liberté de Conscience is concerned about the relaunch of the fight against religious minorities in France since the recent reorganization of MIVILUDES (the Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Fight Against Cultic Deviances) has been implemented.

At the beginning of 2020, the French Prime Minister announced a reorganization of MIVILUDES in response to a report from the Accounting Court (Cour des Comptes) which denounced the lack of professionalism of MIVILUDES in its working method and questioned the relevance of such an organization.

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