Human Rights Council 52nd regular session of the Human Rights Council 27 February 2023 – 18 April 2023 Item 3: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief – Interactive Dialogue

Human Rights Council 52nd regular session of the Human Rights Council 27 February 2023 – 18 April 2023 Item 3: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief – Interactive Dialogue

CAP Liberté de Conscience and Human Rights Without Frontiers are deeply concerned by France’s failure to respect freedom of religion and belief for all religions, beliefs and spiritual minorities.

Indeed, France continues its hunt against minorities using its Interministerial Mission against sectarian drift, Miviludes as an instrument of discrimination.

Today, a conference on so-called sectarian drifts and conspiracy theories is being held in Paris. It is organized by Miviludes and by the Secretary of State in charge of Citizenship, Sonia Backès.

New legislative measures targeting minorities are to be discussed.



The survey report is entitled: The French and the sectarian phenomenon. It is a questionnaire-survey administered through internet to a representative sample of 1,006 French people, on December 21 and 22, 2021, published on January 17, 2022. We did not have access to the questionnaire, but we can guess which questions were asked by reading the subtitles on the survey report. We do not know if they were direct questions with “yes/no/don’t know” answers, which are tainted by the phenomenon of acquiescence bias (overestimation of ‘yes’ answers that distort the results). We also do not know how much the survey cost.

43rd Session Universal Periodic Review Les conditions de détention en France

43rd Session Universal Periodic Review Les conditions de détention en France

Le gouvernement français a institué un système unique en Europe de surveillance de ces minorités qui entraîne de graves manquements de l’Etat aux principes de liberté de religion ou de croyance, d’égalité des citoyens français devant les institutions nationales et de fraternité en clivant les citoyens selon leur appartenance à une minorité religieuse ou de croyance reconnue ou non et en instaurant un climat de suspicion et parfois même de haine pour les croyances non traditionnelles et non normatives.

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