Spiritual Human Rights 2014 Conference
Soteria International in collaboration with: Ananda Assisi Italy – http://www.ananda.it/en Damanhur – http://www.damanhur.org/ FOB – European Federation for Freedom of Belief – http://freedomofbelief.net LAYMS –League for Antidefaimation of...European Muslim Initiative alerts on Rudy Salle’s report against religious minorities at PACE
On behalf of EMISCO, European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion, its Secretary General Bashy Quraishy has written to the President of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Mrs Anne Brasseur, to alert her on the danger of the report written by Mr Rudy Salles “The protection of minors against excesses of sects”, that will be voted by the Assembly on the 10th of April 2014. According to EMISCO, “this report as well as the draft resolution and recommendation it contains, are violating basic fundamental rights standards that the Council is supposed to uphold and promote”. Here is the content of the letter:

US commission France Miviludes
The most extensive “anti-cult” efforts have been in France. Since 1998, the French government has had a governmental entity specifically tasked with collecting and disseminating official information on groups deemed to be “cults” and coordinating government efforts to oppose such groups. The organization in its current form is called the “Inter-ministerial Mission for Vigilance and to Combat Sectarian Aberrations,” or MIVILUDES
Safeguarding human rights in relation to religion and belief, and protecting religious communities from violence
Concerned about increasing physical and psychological violence against religious communities throughout the world, the Assembly today called on member States to take account of the situation of these communities in their bilateral political dialogue and to promote in their foreign relations “a policy which takes into consideration the question of the full respect for the fundamental rights of religious minorities”.