Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) I: Freedom of Religion or Belief: Issues, Opportunities, and the Specific Challenges of Combatting Anti-Semitism and Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, Muslims, and Members of Other Religions

Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) I: Freedom of Religion or Belief: Issues, Opportunities, and the Specific Challenges of Combatting Anti-Semitism and Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, Muslims, and Members of Other Religions

FECRIS claims in its by-laws that its activities do not enter « the religious field » and declares to be neutral in this matter. Why is it then that the Vice-President of FECRIS, an organization registered in secular France and massively financed by the French State, is Alexander Dvorkin, a Russian citizen blessed, financed and missioned by the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch to combat religious minorities perceived as competitors?

Nations Unies : Des ONG de défense des droits de l’homme demandent la libération de deux citoyens tchèques du Centre de détention de l’immigration de Manille

HRWF (09.05.2017) – En marge de la Revue périodique universelle des Philippines aux Nations Unies à Genève, trois ONG de défense des droits de l’homme : Human Rights Without Frontiers (Droits de l’Homme sans Frontières – Bruxelles), FOREF-Europe (Vienne) et CAP Liberté de Conscience (France), ont organisé le 8 mai 2017 un événement parallèle sur la situation de deux professeurs de yoga tchèques, Jaroslav Dobes et Barbora Plaskova, qui sont détenus depuis deux ans au Centre de détention de l’immigration de Bagong Diwa à Manille.

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