Our heritage is not preceded by a testament

Our heritage is not preceded by a testament

Hannah Arendt quotes an aphorism by René Char (published in Feuillets d’Hypnos in 1946). “During the Resistance, a generation of European writers and men of letters created, in the political vacuum created by the collapse of the old system, a distinct public sphere, a bare space in which freedom could appear. But this opportunity did not last long. This treasure, which had appeared unexpectedly under mysterious circumstances, was soon lost. That generation was unable to give it a name. The history of revolutions was repeating itself.

Conference 13 Decembre – Façonner un monde de libertés : 75 ans d’héritage et d’impact de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme

Conference 13 Decembre – Façonner un monde de libertés : 75 ans d’héritage et d’impact de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme

Dans le cadre de la commémoration du 75e anniversaire de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, un groupement d’Associations et d’ONG collaborant avec les Nations Unies organise une conférence en ligne les 11 et 12 décembre 2023 (en anglais) et le 13 décembre 2023 (en français). Cette conférence qui a pour thème « Façonner un monde de libertés : 75 ans d’héritage et d’impact de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme ! Comment les Droits de l’Homme façonneront-ils l’avenir ? », vise à explorer l’influence durable et la pertinence de cette Déclaration.

How the way a state treats religious minorities affects the way its citizens live together.

How the way a state treats religious minorities affects the way its citizens live together.

The French government has established a system of control over these minorities that is unique in Europe and that leads to serious violations by the State of the principles of freedom of religion or belief, equality of French citizens before the national institutions, and fraternity, by dividing citizens according to whether or not they belong to a recognized religious or belief minority, and by creating a climate of suspicion and sometimes even hatred towards non-traditional beliefs, leading to a deterioration in the quality of peaceful living together.

California for Tai Ji Men: Conscience, Justice and Freedom of Belief

California for Tai Ji Men: Conscience, Justice and Freedom of Belief

California, the Golden State, is known for its stunning landscapes, thriving entertainment industry, and diverse culture. Beneath the surface of this multifaceted state lies another remarkable aspect of its diversity: religious pluralism. From the Spanish missions of the 18th century to the bustling metropolises of the 21st century, California’s religious landscape has evolved into a vibrant tapestry of faiths and beliefs.

Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev raised his country’s flag over the town of Khojaly

Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev raised his country’s flag over the town of Khojaly

On our part “Karabakh Human Rights Awareness Campaign” launched last year to raise international awareness on human rights abuses in Karabakh is back with monitoring this process, revelation of human rights violation Karabakh Armenians experienced under the «gray zone» regime and ensuring restoration of their rights.

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