On August 31, despite protests by the Red Cross, the German Evangelical Lutheran Church, and several NGOs, including mine, a member of The Church of Almighty God, Zhao Xueliang, was deported back to China from Germany. Her cell phone, money (she was left with 60 euros only), and even most of her personal belongings were confiscated and she was taken forcibly to the airport. She has now “disappeared” in China.

Statement at the United Nations : Laïcité and Religious Freedom in France

Statement at the United Nations : Laïcité and Religious Freedom in France

We wish to draw the Council’s attention to the fact that the French Government, despite many warnings, continues to fund more than 92% of a non-governmental organization, the FECRIS (European Federation of Centers of Research and Information on Sectarianism) whose activities are severely detrimental to the freedom of religion and belief of European citizens.

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