Corruption in the Tai Ji Men Case Denounced at the United Nations

Corruption in the Tai Ji Men Case Denounced at the United Nations

The statement mentions that scholars have recognized that corruption is a violation of human rights. “Thirteen years ago, CAP-LC states, the Maastricht Center for Human Rights in the Netherlands organized an important conference on corruption as a human rights issue, on October 22–23, 2009. The majority position at the Maastricht conference was that there is indeed a provision in international law that makes corruption a violation of human rights. It is article 2, number 1, of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.” The provision mandates that states should remove the obstacles to the full enjoyment of human rights by their citizens, and there is little doubt that corruption is such an obstacle.

CPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 133 Session : Freedom of expression under threat in Ukraine the case of Anatoliy Sharij

CPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 133 Session : Freedom of expression under threat in Ukraine the case of Anatoliy Sharij

Recently, Anatoliy Sharij, a Ukrainian blogger living in EU countries for almost a decade, was accused by the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) on “High Treason” under the controversial Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ( This article states that ‘an act willfully committed by a citizen of Ukraine in the detriment of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability, defense capability, and state, economic or information security of Ukraine: joining the enemy at the time of martial law or armed conflict, espionage, assistance in subversive activities against Ukraine provided to a foreign state, a foreign organization or their representatives, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to fifteen years.’

CPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 133 Session : Freedom of expression under threat in Ukraine the case of Anatoliy Sharij

CPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 133 Session : Germany violates its Constitution by discriminating against a peaceful religious minority

Since nearly 30 years, and still today in 2021, German citizens are in general life contexts required to
sign declarations that they did not and will not participate in any Scientology related activity before
obtaining some public and private jobs, or before getting a municipal grant to get an eBike and so
contribute to the city’s efforts on protecting the environment, as it has been happening with the City of

Hungary: inappropriately using tax legislation and data protection to harass a well-established minority religion

HRC 48th session human rights situation in Balochistan

We would like to draw the Council’s attention to arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances of Baloch political activists, leaders, students, doctors, intellectuals, writers, and human rights defenders. They are being picked up by security forces or their proxy death squads and kept incommunicado for years. As a result of this practice, thousands of Baloch remain missing.  Tortured bodies of thousands have been found.

Hungary: inappropriately using tax legislation and data protection to harass a well-established minority religion

HRC 48 General Debate on item 3 human rights situation of Sindh

We are profoundly grateful to UN working group on Enforced and Involuntary disappearances for comprehensively raising the issue of forced abduction of Sindhis through a joint communication in March this year. Despite this, disappearances of Sindhi political and human rights activists by Pakistani secret agencies continue unabated. In the month of August alone more than 10 prominent political workers and human rights activists including Insaf Dayo, Ayoub Kandhro, Suhail Raza Bhatti, Zakir Sahito, Kashif Tagar have been abducted. 

Hungary: inappropriately using tax legislation and data protection to harass a well-established minority religion

Coalition of 192 ECOSOC Accredited NGOs Calls for New United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution to Protect Tamils from Genocide, to name a Special Rapporteur for Sri Lanka and to Recognize Tamils’ Right to self-determination

The Tamils have been fighting for over seventy years for self Determination. We are a nation of people living in the merged North and East in the island of Ceylon. We have our right to determine our own destiny.  Successive Sri Lankan Sinhala – Buddhist Governments have continually suppressed Tamils right to self-determination and govern Tamils employing brutal military force to annihilate, which amounts to Genocide.

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