by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jan 3, 2024 | France
Alexander Dvorkin, membre du conseil d’administration de la FECRIS et ancien vice-président, est étroitement lié à la chaîne de télévision SPAS de l’Église orthodoxe russe qui fait l’objet de sanctions de la part de l’UE.
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Nov 6, 2020 | France
Cette semaine, des Hindous se sont réunis pour une prière traditionnelle hindoue (Hanuman Yagya) en soutien au leader de l’hindouisme en Russie Shri Prakash Ji. Les participants à la prière se sont prononcés contre les attaques d’Alexander Dvorkin visant...
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jul 27, 2020 | news
Source : «U.S. Government: Publicly censure Alexander Dvorkin and the Saint Irenaeus of Leon Information-Consultation Center (SILIC)) for their ongoing disinformation campaign against religious...
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Oct 7, 2019 | CAP LC Europe, OSCE
Speeches from the human dimension implementation conference dedicated to Russia. Hindus need a temple in Russia and for that it’s important for the Russian government to recognize Hinduism. Russia’s religious harmony and peace is in danger due to Dvorkin Alexander....
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jan 8, 2014 | news
The orthodox sect expert Alexander Dvorkin who is the head of advisory council at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation where he examines materials on existence of religious extremism and intolerance, recently gave students in Arkhangelsk an open lecture on history of Islam where he made offensive statements about Muslim doctrine and the prophet Mohammed. Video of this lecture was published on the website of the local diocese, as mentioned in Alexander Stepanov’s blog on “Ekho Moskvy”.