by CAP Liberté de Conscience | May 13, 2014 | news
Like other pro-Russian and Russian Orthodox extremists, Dvorkin discredited the Maidan movement, saying that the Acting President, Alexander Tourtchynov was a Baptist – which is true -, his Prime Minister Arseni Yatseniuk is a Scientologist his sister chairs a major scientologist organization in the USA – both accusations spread by Interfax-Religion, a Russian press agency, and checked as false by Human Rights Without Frontiers (**).
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jan 9, 2014 | news
Many were surprised by the recent lecture given by the sect expert A.L. Dvorkin on the history of Islam at the Northern Arctic Federal University that offended Russian Moslems by its contents and received negative responses from leading Islamic figures. It surprised, first of all with the fact that Dvorkin, apparently, practically did not concern Islam earlier in his antisectarian speeches and now suddenly unexpectedly “debuted” in this field.
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jan 8, 2014 | news
On March 15, 2013, 10:42 Recently in Arkhangelsk, the orthodox sect expert Alexander Leonidovich Dvorkin gave students an open lecture on the origins of Islam. Video of that lecture was published on the website of the local diocese. That lecture deserves special...
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Jun 11, 2013 | news
The lecture about history of Islam which was given by leader of anti-sect movement in Russia Alexander Dvorkin is still fresh in memory. The lecture took place on 5 February 2013 in the Northern Arctic Federal University (Arkhangelsk city, Russia) under the title “Origins of Islam. Not-told stories” (length is 1h 25min).
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Oct 25, 2011 | news
Despite the “Non-political nature” of the Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), Kemerovo diocese campaignes to keep former Pentecostal pastor out of Putin’s “All national front” (14.10.2011) / HRWF (24.10.2011) –...