by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Apr 23, 2024 | HRC 55
Throughout the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, the Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience actively engaged in addressing a range of human rights concerns affecting religious minorities and vulnerable groups across Europe, Africa, and Asia. The organization’s interventions aimed to raise awareness, call for immediate action, and urge governments to uphold their obligations to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all individuals, regardless of their religious or spiritual affiliation.
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Apr 2, 2024 | HRC 55, news
The United Nations Human Rights Council is currently considering a draft resolution (A/HRC/55/L.22) that aims to bolster the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities. The resolution, sponsored by a diverse group of countries, emphasizes the need for States to take concrete measures to ensure the full enjoyment of minority rights and promote social cohesion.
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Apr 2, 2024 | HRC 55, news
At the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, CAP Liberté de Conscience and Human Rights Without Frontiers will raise the alarming issue of approximately 20,000 Ukrainian children who have been forcibly transferred from occupied Ukrainian territories to Russia. Despite the efforts of NGOs and the mediation of Qatar, which have led to the rescue and reunification of only a few hundred children with their families in Ukraine, the scale of this crime against humanity remains staggering.
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Mar 21, 2024 | HRC 55, news
Geneva, Switzerland (20 March 2024) – A prominent human rights organization today issued an urgent call for India to repeal its newly implemented Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which discriminates against Muslim migrants by denying them a pathway to citizenship based solely on their religion.
by CAP Liberté de Conscience | Mar 20, 2024 | HRC 55, news
This statement from the NGO CAP Liberté de Conscience raises concerns about stigmatization, intolerance and hate speech towards religious minorities in Europe, often labeled pejoratively as “cults” or “sects”. It argues this phenomenon is fueled by anti-cult movements, sensationalist media coverage, and government bodies like France’s Miviludes that work with anti-cult associations.