Invitation World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting in China

Invitation World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting in China

The crime of forcibly removing organs from living non-consenting prisoners for profit, for the purpose of transplantation, research or other medical procedures, commonly known as forced organ harvesting, poses a great danger to humankind as it violates universal ethical values, moral principles of life and human dignity, thus turning the medical profession into an abusive practice. In that process, persecuted prisoners of conscience in China, primarily Falun Gong are being killed (executed) and thus becoming the human sources of those organs.

Over 70 Civil Society Organisations Urge for Co-sponsorship of the US Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Bill of 2021

Over 70 Civil Society Organisations Urge for Co-sponsorship of the US Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Bill of 2021

Forced organ harvesting and organ trafficking is a growing issue, particularly for impoverished peoples. The victims have their organs taken from them and sold illegally. While the trafficker makes a large profit, the victim is left with little to no money and must deal with the significant health issues that come with the practice. As noted by the United Nations, the practice of forced organ harvesting is expanding in China to the detriment of China’s minority populations.

FECRIS correspondent in Ukraine campaigns with China against Falun Gong in Ukraine

The Ukrainian National Center Of Religious Safety And Help To Victims Of Destructive Cults Organisation “Dialogue” a FECRIS correspondent in Ukraine, has launched a campaign against Falun Gong practitioners. It has published the following article on its website under the title “The Falun Gong sect recruits Kherson residents under the guise of an art exhibition”:

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