Alexander Dvorkin, Vice-president of FECRIS, criticised for “controversial” lecture on Islam

Alexander Dvorkin is already well-known for his aggressive speeches and writings against Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Falun Gong practitioners, Hare Krishna devotees and other religious groups that fall outside of his Orthodox world. However, in February 2013, Dvorkin shocked Russia’s leading Islamic authorities, when he gave a lecture at the University of Arkhangelsk on the topic “Origins of Islam – Untold Stories.” During his presentation, he made several hostile and unscientific comments about the Koran and Prophet Mohammad.

A case study: FECRIS

France, the cradle of laïcité and the driving force of the anti-sect fight in Europe promoting the separation between State and religion; the State where FECRIS was created and which finances it nearly entirely with public funds.

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