41st Session UPR Working Group Information meeting on the UPR process in Indonesia CAP LC

41st Session UPR Working Group Information meeting on the UPR process in Indonesia CAP LC

CAP Liberté de Conscience is a secular European created in 1995 and dedicated to protect the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief. We combats all forms of discrimination based on religion or belief by alerting European and International bodies. We collects testimonies of discrimination and human rights violations affecting religious or belief communities in order to disseminate them to international bodies, and in order to raise awareness and inform them as well as to generate debate on the protection of Freedom of Religion and Belief. We also advocates for any religious or spiritual group facing discrimination to have their right to Freedom of Religion and Belief recognized.

Side Event 41st Session UPR Working Group Information meeting on the UPR process in Indonesia

Side Event 41st Session UPR Working Group Information meeting on the UPR process in Indonesia

On behalf of the Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience (CAP Freedom of Conscience) and International Human Rights Commissio , it is my privilege to invite you to our NGO side event highlighting the persecution faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Indonesia during the 41st session of the United Nations Universal Periodic Review in Geneva.

Side Event at the 51st Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva under the “Recognize to reconcile” initiative – 6th October 2022

Side Event at the 51st Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva under the “Recognize to reconcile” initiative – 6th October 2022

Normally, it is the States and their governments that are the deciders and practitioners of conflicts as well as finding the solutions, the role of the civil societies is often invisible in such development. NGO organisations tirelessly work to create the conditions that pushes international institutions and States to set aside their entrenched views in conflicts and move towards peace through give and take process.

Oral statement at the UN 51 Human Rights Council Session Massacres of and attacks against Amharas

Oral statement at the UN 51 Human Rights Council Session Massacres of and attacks against Amharas

CAP Liberté de Conscience and Human Rights Without Frontiers welcome the work of the Commission but remain deeply concerned about the massacres and attacks on Amhara civilians as in last June in Gimbi County of Oromia Region, thousands of OLA and OLF-Shene militants attacked Amharas in 10 villages with the collaboration of local ethnic Oromo residents and the passive complicity of the Oromia Region government.

Oral statement at the UN 51 Human Rights Council Session Massacres of and attacks against Amharas

HRC 51st Session Oral Statement : Heavy prison sentences for political opponents Reckya Madougou and Joël Aivo in Benin

End of last year, Joël Aivo, a law professor who challenged President Talon in the last election, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for allegedly plotting against the state and laundering money.

In May 2021, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights adopted a Resolution in which it declared to be deeply concerned by the restrictions on civic space and the crackdown on demonstrations by the army resulting in loss of lives, abuses and violations.

HRC 51st Session : Germany, Propaganda, Fake News, and Discrimination of a Peaceful Religious Minority

HRC 51st Session : Germany, Propaganda, Fake News, and Discrimination of a Peaceful Religious Minority

While Scientologists have had to fight (and win in court) against discrimination from German officials since 50 years [1] , it is since nearly 30 years, and still today in 2022, German citizens are in general life contexts required to sign declarations that they did not and will not participate in any Scientology-related activity before obtaining some public and private jobs, or before getting a municipal grant for the purchase of an eBike and so contribute to the city’s efforts on protecting the environment, as it has been happening with the City of Munich. This type of hidden coercive measure is backed up by government funded and promoted propaganda, that dehumanizes individual Scientologists, their beliefs and twists their real aims.

HRC 51st Session :  Persecution of Religious Minorities Through Tax Harassment and Seizure of Property, and Reactions by International Scholars

HRC 51st Session : Persecution of Religious Minorities Through Tax Harassment and Seizure of Property, and Reactions by International Scholars

In the Russian Federation, premises of the Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to be confiscated. Following similar decisions in other jurisdictions, on July 22, 2022, the District Court of Volgograd turned a building and a land plot belonging to the Jehovah’s Witnesses into state ownership. The fact that the European Court of Human Rights recently declared the “liquidation” of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Russian Federation and confiscation of their properties as contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights was ignored.

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