The worsening Human Rights situation in Balochistan

Evacuation of Religious Minorities of Afghanistan

We are a NGO that specializes in the freedom of religious minorities. This statement reports to the UN on the urgent need to evacuate the religious minorities of Afghanistan – namely the Sikhs and Hindus of Afghanistan, who face religious persecution and an immediate threat to their lives, following the takeover by the Taliban. We make this statement jointly with UNITED SIKHS, an international humanitarian and advocacy NGO that has been associated with the Department of Public Office of the United Nations, since 2007, and the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar, London, UK, which serves the largest Afghan Sikh congregation in the world.

The worsening Human Rights situation in Balochistan

A written submission exposed a growing international problem, quoting the Tai Ji Men case in Taiwan

The ECOSOC-accredited NGO CAP-LC (Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience) filed a written submission for the 48th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which starts in Geneva on September 13. The document is published on the Web site of the United Nations. CAP-LC expressed its concern for “the use of real estate seizures as a weapon to discriminate against religious and spiritual minorities.”

The worsening Human Rights situation in Balochistan

International community must pay attention to the statesponsored persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and worldwide

human rights experts have expressed their deep concern over the lack of attention to the serious human rights violations perpetrated against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community around the world and called on the international community to step up efforts in bringing an end to the ongoing persecution of Ahmadi Muslims as follows:

High Commissioner to Human Rights Council: Fighting Continues Unabated in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia but a Solution Can Only be Found through a Political Process and Dialogue

High Commissioner to Human Rights Council: Fighting Continues Unabated in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia but a Solution Can Only be Found through a Political Process and Dialogue

Also taking the floor were the following non-governmental organizations: East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, Society for Threatened Peoples, Centre for Human Rights, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Centre for Global Nonkilling, Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Bar Association and CIVICUS.

The worsening Human Rights situation in Balochistan

Germany violates its Constitution by discriminating against a peaceful religious minority

On 16 June 2021, the City of Munich has been condemned by the Bavarian State Administrative Court of Appeal for discriminating against an artist who is a member of the Scientology religion, by refusing to give her a grant for the purchase of a “pedelec” (e-bike). The Court now obliged the city to pay her a grant for the purchase of an eBike.

18 Organizations and Individuals Call for the Review of Somalia’s VP Position at the Human Rights Council Bureau Given Their Apostasy Law

18 Organizations and Individuals Call for the Review of Somalia’s VP Position at the Human Rights Council Bureau Given Their Apostasy Law

GENEVA 13 July 2021 | 18 organisations and individuals released a letter to all Human Rights Council Member and Observer States condemning the choice of Somalia to replace the abrupt resignation of Sudan from the Vice-President position of the Bureau in June 2021. While Sudan has taken strides to improve human rights, most notably through the repeal of the death penalty for apostasy [the first modern country to do so] Somalia has, on the other hand, made no improvements to merit their new VP position and have rather increased religious freedom or belief violations.

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