It is nauseating to let the world know that the government officials and the Police force in Pakistan have descended into such humiliating acts as desecrating the graves of Ahmadi Muslims . The Government sponsored persecution of Ahmadis is rampant and the life of Ahmadis is made hell by denying them all their basic civic and human rights. The government would not leave Ahmadis alone even after they are buried.

side events to the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council : freedom of conscience and physical integrity

side events to the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council : freedom of conscience and physical integrity

The two NGOs, CAP Liberté de Conscience and Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, co-organized a series of two side events to the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council on March 22 and March 23, 2022. The themes of the series addressed central topics of society and humankind: freedom of conscience and physical integrity.

Abolitionist and Retentionist States, UN experts, and Civil Society Make a Unified Call for Action to Repeal of the Death Penalty for Apostasy and Blasphemy at the first Hybrid UN Human Rights Council side-event in 2022

Abolitionist and Retentionist States, UN experts, and Civil Society Make a Unified Call for Action to Repeal of the Death Penalty for Apostasy and Blasphemy at the first Hybrid UN Human Rights Council side-event in 2022

Abolitionist and Retentionist States, UN experts, and Civil Society Make a Unified Call for Action to Repeal of the Death Penalty for Apostasy and Blasphemy at the first Hybrid UN Human Rights Council side-event in 2022

Immediate Risk of Yet Another Deportation of an Ahmadi Muslim from Germany : Ali Ahmad Mubashar

Immediate Risk of Yet Another Deportation of an Ahmadi Muslim from Germany : Ali Ahmad Mubashar

Returning a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to a country where his life and safety are at serious risk would be a clear breach of Germany’s obligations under international human rights law and the Convention against Torture (CAT). This includes a prohibition on sending anyone to a place where they would be at risk of such abuse. The principle of non- refoulement applies to everyone including persons who are excluded from refugee protection. We urge that the German authorities to take immediate and swift action and ensure the safety of these individuals by not deporting them back to Pakistan where they will most certainly face grave and life-threatening danger. The German authorities should grant them protection and stop deportation immediately.

Immediate Risk of Yet Another Deportation of an Ahmadi Muslim from Germany : Ali Ahmad Mubashar

Halt deportation of an ahmadi from germany to pakistan : Mr. Khalid Muhammad

We received the information about Mr. Khalid Muhammad who has been captured by the German authorities due to his asylum case. Mr. Khalid Muhammad came to Germany in 2013 and his asylum case got rejected twice. German authorities are planning to deport this asylum seeker belonging to the Ahmadiyya faith, in breach of national and international laws and conventions. The name of the individual who is scheduled for deportation are:

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