World Summit on Organ Harvesting Presented by Five NGOs

World Summit on Organ Harvesting Presented by Five NGOs

Forced organ harvesting is an unethical and illegal yet highly profitable practice where organs are removed from non-consenting, healthy people and sold to patients for fast-tracked transplantation operations. Although illegal organ trafficking has occurred in several regions, it is only in China that it is government sanctioned and under military control, involving disenfranchised, vulnerable populations.

World Summit against Forced Organ Harvesting: An Alarm for Humankind

World Summit against Forced Organ Harvesting: An Alarm for Humankind

More than 35 international experts will discuss the abusive practice of forced organ harvesting from medical, legal, political, news media, civil society, and policy-making perspectives and elaborate on the impact this atrocity has on humankind. The event organizers also announce the launch of a Universal Declaration that will be presented to the public at the end of the World Summit.

World Summit on Organ Harvesting Presented by Five NGOs

Invitation World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting in China

The crime of forcibly removing organs from living non-consenting prisoners for profit, for the purpose of transplantation, research or other medical procedures, commonly known as forced organ harvesting, poses a great danger to humankind as it violates universal ethical values, moral principles of life and human dignity, thus turning the medical profession into an abusive practice. In that process, persecuted prisoners of conscience in China, primarily Falun Gong are being killed (executed) and thus becoming the human sources of those organs.



The boy is alleged to have urinated in the library of a madrasa (religious school) where religious texts were kept, prompting a mob attack on a local Hindu temple.  According to reports, the boy is currently in protective custody after being released on bail last week, while his family have gone into hiding. Following his release, a local Hindu temple was attacked by a mob, causing members of the Hindu community to flee their homes.

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