What is “Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience” (CAP Freedom of Conscience)?

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a secular European NGO with United Nations Consultative Status, created in 1995 and dedicated to protect the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience combats all forms of discrimination based on religion or belief by alerting European and International bodies.

CAP Freedom of Conscience collects testimonies of discrimination and human rights violations affecting religious or belief communities in order to disseminate them to international bodies, and in order to raise awareness and inform them as well as to generate debate on the protection of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience also advocates for any religious or spiritual group facing discrimination to have their right to Freedom of Religion and Belief recognized.

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a member of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB), European Network Of Religion and Belief (ENORB) and participate to the Civil Society Platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency DAFOH Partners in Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting

Asia Europe Culture Association to Organize Protests in Paris Highlighting Human Rights Violations by the Chinese Communist Party

Asia Europe Culture Association to Organize Protests in Paris Highlighting Human Rights Violations by the Chinese Communist Party

On the occasion of the visit to France of Xi Jinping – the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – the Asia Europe Culture Association will be organising events in Paris on Monday, 6 May, 2024. The aim of these events will be to express our concerns about the absence of issues relating to human rights violations committed by the CCP in the programme of previous meetings between the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and the General Secretary of the CCP Xi Jinping and, reading the press release from the Elysée Palace announcing Xi Jinping’s forthcoming visit to France, we fear that this will once again be the case.

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Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review 47th session (4 – 15 Nov 2024) Universal Periodic Review of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review 47th session (4 – 15 Nov 2024) Universal Periodic Review of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a multi-ethnic country with over 76 different groups. The Amhara people are one of the largest ethnic groups with a history spanning over 4000 years in Ethiopia, distributed across various regions of the country. However, they have been impacted significantly by targeted attacks, displacement, and grave human rights violations. This report aims to address the widespread abuses faced by the Amhara community throughout Ethiopia,.

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First of all I would like to thank Mrs Maxette Pirbakas MP and the organisers of this 3rd Faith and Freedom summit for inviting me to give you a presentation on the theme of “the social action of Faith-Based Organizations”. I would like to take you on a journey through time, exploring the profound impact of Faith-Based organisations in promoting peace and social equality from the 15th century to the present day.

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Anti-Ahmadiyya video targeting little children is going viral to sow the seeds of hatred, fanaticism, and bigotry in the minds of innocent Pakistani children

Anti-Ahmadiyya video targeting little children is going viral to sow the seeds of hatred, fanaticism, and bigotry in the minds of innocent Pakistani children

This video is shocking because it shows the indoctrination of young children in Pakistan against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and its founder. It shows the hatred and incitement of violence against Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan is not just done by the mature adults of Pakistan   but   also   the   young children are also joining in. This is deeply worrying, and the International Community must act now. It is these children who are going to grow up to be the future leaders of Pakistan and their hatred and prejudice at such a young age is deeply troubling. The International Community must ensure the youth of Pakistan are raised with tolerance, compassion and open-mindedness in line with International Human Rights Law as well as the Teachings of Islam.

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IAMC Annual Report on Human Rights and Religious Freedom in India (2024)

IAMC Annual Report on Human Rights and Religious Freedom in India (2024)

The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), a U.S.-based advocacy organization, recently released its annual report titled “365 Days of Hate: 2023 in Modi’s India.” The 49-page report aims to inform legislators and policymakers about human rights conditions in India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

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Safeguarding Victims: Senator Laurence Muller-Bronn’s Concerns over the Future of France’s Independent Commission on Incest and Child Abuse

Safeguarding Victims: Senator Laurence Muller-Bronn’s Concerns over the Future of France’s Independent Commission on Incest and Child Abuse

In a recent parliamentary question, Senator Laurence Muller-Bronn of the Bas-Rhin region has expressed deep concerns over the troubling situation surrounding the Independent Commission on Incest and Violence against Children (Ciivise) in France. This comes on the heels of a recent UN expert declaration urging France to protect children from incest and all forms of sexual abuse.

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CAP Freedom of Conscience involvement UNITED NATIONS


13 Human Right Organizations successfully launched the UAE’s Shadow Report 2023: “A Way” for Universal Periodic Review 43rd Session

Guest speaker Christine Mirre (CAP Liberté de Conscience) from Paris, France, started the Shadow Report session by voicing her endorsement of its enduring ties to the UAE and human rights. She also told that where the world and the NGOs of the United Nations are going. She also pointed to the rights of women as a concerned representative of NGO. 

High-level event : Seminar inaugurating the shadow report of the Universal Periodic Review mechanism Human Rights in the United Arab Emirates

High-level event : Seminar inaugurating the shadow report of the Universal Periodic Review mechanism
Human Rights in the United Arab Emirates

Violations of human rights in Sri Lanka Human Rights Committee – 137th Session – February – March 2023

CAP Liberté de Conscience (France) and the Brussels-based NGO Human Rights Without Frontiers are deeply concerned about the deterioration of human rights in a wide range of areas in Sri Lanka.

In the last few years, the Supreme  Court of Sri Lanka and the Human Rights Commission  have  received  about  15,000  complaints  annually  regarding  the violation of the fundamental rights guaranteed in Chapter III, 10-14 of the 1978 Constitution. All these complaints are against executive and administrative actions of government officials.

Experts Decry Japan’s Human Rights Violations

The human rights defense organization CAP LC (Coordination des Associations et Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience), in co-sponsorship with UPF and its affiliated organization Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), held the side event on the occasion of the Universal Periodical Review of Japan at the Human Rights Council.

HRC 52 Written Statement The Migration Crisis In The Sudan

The Coordination of Associations and Individuals, for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) has presented a written declaration to the United Nations Human Rights Council concerning the issue of religious freedom and the protections of minority religious and belief groups worldwide. As a non governmental organization committed to advocating for freedom of conscience CAP LC offers a viewpoint to the discourse on human rights at the UN.

43rd Session Universal Periodic Review FRANCE Les conditions de détention en France

Le gouvernement français a institué un système unique en Europe de surveillance de ces minorités qui entraîne de graves manquements de l’Etat aux principes de liberté de religion ou de croyance, d’égalité des citoyens français devant les institutions nationales et de fraternité en clivant les citoyens selon leur appartenance à une minorité religieuse ou de croyance reconnue ou non et en instaurant un climat de suspicion et parfois même de haine pour les croyances non traditionnelles et non normatives.

41st Session UPR Working Group Information meeting on the UPR process in Indonesia Maria d’Arienzo

The subject of human rights and religious freedom is one of the most critical issues in contemporary Indonesia, as religious minorities suffer not only from discrimination but also increasingly from physical attacks because of their beliefs, and the cases of the Ahmadiyya community are a clear example.

41st Session UPR Working Group Information meeting on the UPR process in Indonesia IHRC


41st Session UPR Working Group Information meeting on the UPR process in Indonesia CAP LC

CAP Liberté de Conscience is a secular European created in 1995 and dedicated to protect the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief. We combats all forms of discrimination based on religion or belief by alerting European and International bodies. We collects testimonies of discrimination and human rights violations affecting religious or belief communities in order to disseminate them to international bodies, and in order to raise awareness and inform them as well as to generate debate on the protection of Freedom of Religion and Belief. We also advocates for any religious or spiritual group facing discrimination to have their right to Freedom of Religion and Belief recognized.

Side Event 41st Session UPR Working Group Information meeting on the UPR process in Indonesia

On behalf of the Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience (CAP Freedom of Conscience) and International Human Rights Commissio , it is my privilege to invite you to our NGO side event highlighting the persecution faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Indonesia during the 41st session of the United Nations Universal Periodic Review in Geneva.

Statement delivered 136th session Human Rights Committee (10 Oct 2022 – 04 Nov 2022) on Ethiopia Incidents targeting the Amhara community in 2022

We are very concerned about the ethnic killings of Amharas in Horo Guduru Wellega Zone, West Wellega Zone and in Kellem Wellega Zone Oromia from June to September 2022:

Statement submitted 136th session Human Rights Committee (10 Oct 2022 – 04 Nov 2022) on Japan

The assassination in Nara, Japan, of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
on July 8, 2022, was followed by a campaign of intolerance, discrimination, and
persecution of the Unification Church, now called the Family Federation for World
Peace and Unification (we will use “Unification Church” and “Family Federation
for World Peace and Unification” interchangeably here, as most media do,
although we are aware of the historical nuances and differences). During the course of this campaign, the human rights of the members of the Unification Church in Japan were seriously, systematically, and blatantly violated.

Supplemental Statement submitted at the 136th session, Human Rights Committee (10 Oct 2022 – 4 Nov 2022) on Japan

The statement submitted by CAP-LC on the intolerance, discrimination, and persecution of the Unification Church/Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Japan concerns an ongoing situation, whose evolution CAP-LC continues to monitor. Unfortunately, as compared to when we submitted our original statement, the situation is getting worse, and there are new elements we believe the Committee should also urgently consider.

Statement submitted 136th session Human Rights Committee (10 Oct 2022 – 04 Nov 2022) on Ethiopia Incidents targeting the Amhara community in 2022

Amhara survivors of the latest round of ethnically-targeted killings in Wellega, in Oromia region are under siege and afraid for their lives. OLF-Shene regained control of Jardega Jarte Wereda on September 24, 2022; 60 Amhara civilians were burnt alive, 200-500 were killed and more than 20,000 have been displaced.

Side Event at the 51st Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva under the “Recognize to reconcile” initiative – 6th October 2022

Normally, it is the States and their governments that are the deciders and practitioners of conflicts as well as finding the solutions, the role of the civil societies is often invisible in such development. NGO organisations tirelessly work to create the conditions that pushes international institutions and States to set aside their entrenched views in conflicts and move towards peace through give and take process.

Oral statement at the UN Human Rights Council 51st Session Arbitrary Detention the case of Cyrille Adam

Et d’enquêter de toute urgence sur le cas de M. Adam afin que lui – et tous les citoyens français – puissent espérer un procès équitable dans un délai raisonnable et puissent l’attendre dans des conditions décentes dans le respect des droits de l’homme comme la France s’est engagée à le faire.

Oral statement at the UN 51 Human Rights Council Session Massacres of and attacks against Amharas

CAP Liberté de Conscience and Human Rights Without Frontiers welcome the work of the Commission but remain deeply concerned about the massacres and attacks on Amhara civilians as in last June in Gimbi County of Oromia Region, thousands of OLA and OLF-Shene militants attacked Amharas in 10 villages with the collaboration of local ethnic Oromo residents and the passive complicity of the Oromia Region government.

HRC 51st Session Oral Statement : Heavy prison sentences for political opponents Reckya Madougou and Joël Aivo in Benin

End of last year, Joël Aivo, a law professor who challenged President Talon in the last election, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for allegedly plotting against the state and laundering money.

In May 2021, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights adopted a Resolution in which it declared to be deeply concerned by the restrictions on civic space and the crackdown on demonstrations by the army resulting in loss of lives, abuses and violations.

HRC 51st Session : Germany, Propaganda, Fake News, and Discrimination of a Peaceful Religious Minority

While Scientologists have had to fight (and win in court) against discrimination from German officials since 50 years [1] , it is since nearly 30 years, and still today in 2022, German citizens are in general life contexts required to sign declarations that they did not and will not participate in any Scientology-related activity before obtaining some public and private jobs, or before getting a municipal grant for the purchase of an eBike and so contribute to the city’s efforts on protecting the environment, as it has been happening with the City of Munich. This type of hidden coercive measure is backed up by government funded and promoted propaganda, that dehumanizes individual Scientologists, their beliefs and twists their real aims.

HRC 51st Session : Persecution of Religious Minorities Through Tax Harassment and Seizure of Property, and Reactions by International Scholars

In the Russian Federation, premises of the Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to be confiscated. Following similar decisions in other jurisdictions, on July 22, 2022, the District Court of Volgograd turned a building and a land plot belonging to the Jehovah’s Witnesses into state ownership. The fact that the European Court of Human Rights recently declared the “liquidation” of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Russian Federation and confiscation of their properties as contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights was ignored.

HRC 51st Session : About the 18 June 2022 mass massacres of Amharas at Gimbi (Western part of Ethiopia)

In 1990, Mohammed Yusuf, his wife and their children moved to Gimbi where they were given land to till and also engaged in farming.  On 18 June, Gimbi was invaded by armed men. Assuming that they would not kill women and children, Mohammed Yusuf went into hiding in a maze farm while his children and grandchildren stayed at home behind closed door.

HRC 51st Session : The Republic of Korea: The Jeongeup Murder Case and the Continued Persecution of Shincheonji

on June 18 the Christian TV network CBS broadcast a statement of the murderer, who said he had committed the crime because his ex-wife was a member of a Korean Christian new religious movement, Shincheonji. It came out that in the days before the murder the assassin went though four counseling sessions with Pastor Oh Myeong-hyeon of the Heresy Research Center, an institution specialized in fighting Shincheonji and other groups it considers “heretic,” which also supports kidnapping and forced conversion (deprogramming). Obviously Pastor Oh did not suggest that the man killed his ex-wife, but he excited his hatred against Shincheonji. To deflect blame from himself, Pastor Oh later held a press conference where he claimed that Shincheonji was responsible for the crime and should be punished. If the wife had not joined Shincheonji the crime would never have happened, he said.

HRC 51st Session : The Case of Salma Al-Shehab Sentenced to 34 Years in Prison and Women’s Rights In Saudi Arabia

A 34-year old PhD student sentenced to 34 years in prison and a 34-year travel ban afterwards, a cynical and cruel game with this number  At mid-August 2022, Salma al-Shehab, a Saudi 34-year old PhD student from the University of Leeds, was sentenced under the kingdom’s counter-terrorism and cybercrime laws to a heavy penalty: 34 years in prison and a 34-year travel ban after her release for following and retweeting messages from Saudi women’s rights activists, including Loujain al-Hathloul ranked third in the “Top 100 Most Powerful Arab Women 2015” and the winner of the Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize in 2020.

43rd Session Universal Periodic Review Les conditions de détention en France

Le gouvernement français a institué un système unique en Europe de surveillance de ces minorités qui entraîne de graves manquements de l’Etat aux principes de liberté de religion ou de croyance, d’égalité des citoyens français devant les institutions nationales et de fraternité en clivant les citoyens selon leur appartenance à une minorité religieuse ou de croyance reconnue ou non et en instaurant un climat de suspicion et parfois même de haine pour les croyances non traditionnelles et non normatives.

“Recognize to Reconcile” Coalition At the 51th session of the UN Human Rights Council

Protection of universal human rights in conflict affected areas has always been the priority for the work of UN Human rights council. There is inseparable connection between protection of peace and security and human rights and human dignity. Both sustainable peace and human dignity can’t not be achieved but with Justice. The latter is a fundamental building block for the formers, thus it needs to be addressed at once. This linkage become even more important when the shadow of the fading conflict still dominates and hinder normalization efforts by the states engaged in post-conflict peacebuilding. The two-fold task presents a challenge but also provide opportunity to support transition from conflict to peace by applying the mechanism of transitional justice.1 One such important opportunity emerged in the critical region of South Caucuses with the effective transition of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict since the parties signed Trilateral Statement in November 2020 which ended the war.

CAP Freedom of Conscience involvement in Europe


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Faith and Freedom summit pledge

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Side-event OSCE HDIM 2018 : How Universal is “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Globalization underline that the UDHR is often applied relative to regional culture, rather than securing universal principles. Especially when it comes to Freedom of Thought, Religion or Belief we find how cultural bias influence policy and law-making. What one considers a religious practice – such as devotional work in monastery – others consider criminality – in this case human trafficking.


Alike other Eastern Europe countries, Hungary has adopted liberal legislation in the aftermath of the fall of Communism to consecrate freedom of religion and belief. However, subsequent political developments aimed at restoring Hungarian religious “heritage” and repressing nontraditional religious denominations. The 1990 liberal Law guaranteeing the right of freedom of conscience and religion for all and prohibiting discrimination has been replaced in 2011 by a new religion law that stripped approximately 200 religious communities of legal personality and established a two-tier system where the status of Churches is politically approved and non-recognized religious organizations are second-zone groups of parishioners deprived of the legal protection afforded to Churches.

Side-event OSCE HDIM 2018 : Freedom of Belief, No Discrimination and Telorance in the OSCE area


OSCE HIDM 2018 Working session 6 : The Denial of Religious Plurality in Russia

CAP Liberté de Conscience, a French NGO created in 2000 dedicated to the respect of the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief. CAP LC is expert since now 20 years, in religious minorities’ discriminations in France and Europe. CAP Liberté de Conscience organizes events, conferences, meetings to unite minority religions to counter discrimination mainly in France but also in Europe and worldwide.

Side-event OSCE HDIM 2018 : The Religious Freedom in Eastern OSCE countries :The Denial of Religious Plurality in Russia

For one thousand years, Russia has been an Orthodox country, a bulwark against the expansion of Catholicism and other religions. “Russian Orthodox lands” are considered canonical territories where competition by other Christian religions has never been acceptable in the eyes of Moscow Patriarchy.

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Transformational justice stepping on thunder? European and American Human Rights Experts Warn: Be Careful of Ruining the Democracy of Taiwan

Transformational justice stepping on thunder? European and American Human Rights Experts Warn: Be Careful of Ruining the Democracy of Taiwan

Christine Mirre, vice-chairman of CAP-LC, the French Coordination for Individuals and Organizations Freedom of Conscience, said that what she felt during this visit was that the police and soldiers who originally rescued Taiwanese from Japanese occupation turned out to be protectors. oppressor. Taiwan must really turn the page, otherwise it will be a wound that has not yet healed. This is indeed unknown to Western countries. She believes that this is indeed a big wound for Taiwan.

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Are there too many human rights mines in Taiwan? International Human Rights Forum Calls for Cancellation of Transitional Justice Timeline

Are there too many human rights mines in Taiwan? International Human Rights Forum Calls for Cancellation of Transitional Justice Timeline

Christine Mirre, vice-chairman of the French Coordination for Freedom of Conscience of Individuals and Organizations, said that what she felt during this visit was that the police and soldiers who were supposed to be protectors of Taiwan from the Japanese occupation turned into oppressors. Taiwan must really turn the page, otherwise it will be a wound that has not yet healed. This is indeed unknown to Western countries. She believes that this is indeed a big wound for Taiwan.

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Taiwan’s transformational justice is not enough! European and American human rights experts visit the 228 Memorial Hall

Taiwan’s transformational justice is not enough! European and American human rights experts visit the 228 Memorial Hall

President Tsai Ing-wen has publicly promised that transitional justice will not stop. What do international scholars and experts say about this? International human rights experts from Europe and the United States visited the February 28 National Memorial Hall on the morning of July 28 and were grandly received by the executive director Yang Zhenlong. During the exchanges, human rights experts pointed out that Taiwan’s transformational justice is really not enough. In the afternoon, the group participated in a forum co-hosted by the 228 National Memorial and the Taiwan Institute of Economics and Criminal Law to discuss “international human rights, trends in transitional justice, and history of authoritarian persecution.” Many scholars mentioned the Taijimen case, an iconic case in Taiwan, and Questioned the situation that Hou Kuanren, director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office who was a prosecutor, investigated many cases of abuse of power and law, but was not punished but was promoted. He called on the Taiwan government to restore the historical truth, face it squarely, and speed up the resolution.

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28 07 2023 A History of Human Rights, Trends in Transitional Justice, and Authoritarian Persecution Taïwan Nation 228 Memorial Museum

28 07 2023 A History of Human Rights, Trends in Transitional Justice, and Authoritarian Persecution Taïwan Nation 228 Memorial Museum

Transitional justice is a complex and essential process that a democratic country must undertake to address past human rights violations, atrocities, and injustices.

Today, we will examine the key components and strategies needed to ensure a successful transitional justice process in a democratic country like Taiwan.

We will see how the implementation of transitional justice in a democratic country can emphasize the importance of inclusiveness, accountability, restorative justice, and sustained engagement in achieving a just and harmonious society.

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The various peace and security proposals put forward by the United Nations UN Security Council on the conflict in Sudan.

The various peace and security proposals put forward by the United Nations UN Security Council on the conflict in Sudan.

The United Nations Security Council convened on 2nd June 2023, to discuss the ongoing situation in Sudan.

The members of the Security Council recalled the previous Press Statement issued on 15 April 2023, expressing deep concern regarding the continued military clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces.

I will summarize the key points and outcomes of the Security Council’s deliberations.

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The devastating impact on women of the ongoing conflict in Sudan and the crucial role they can play in the peace process

The devastating impact on women of the ongoing conflict in Sudan and the crucial role they can play in the peace process

As we all know, women, along with children, are the most vulnerable targets in wartime.

Gender-based violence and crime, such as rape and the destruction of property and lives, are the greatest threats to women, and these crimes are often overlooked and committed with impunity.

According to UN estimates, even before the fighting broke out on April 15, more than 3 million women and girls in Sudan were at risk of gender-based violence. This figure has since risen to 4.2 million.

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