What is “Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience” (CAP Freedom of Conscience)?

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a secular European NGO with United Nations Consultative Status, created in 1995 and dedicated to protect the Right of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience combats all forms of discrimination based on religion or belief by alerting European and International bodies.

CAP Freedom of Conscience collects testimonies of discrimination and human rights violations affecting religious or belief communities in order to disseminate them to international bodies, and in order to raise awareness and inform them as well as to generate debate on the protection of Freedom of Religion and Belief.

CAP Freedom of Conscience also advocates for any religious or spiritual group facing discrimination to have their right to Freedom of Religion and Belief recognized.

CAP Freedom of Conscience is a member of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB), European Network Of Religion and Belief (ENORB) and participate to the Civil Society Platform of Fundamental Rights created by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency DAFOH Partners in Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting

Social Impact of Faith-Based Organizations in Europe

Social Impact of Faith-Based Organizations in Europe

FBO’s play a significant role in addressing societal challenges, promoting social cohesion, and advocating for the values of faith and freedom in the European Union (EU). This conference aims to provide a platform for MEPs and Civil Society to discuss the challenges, opportunities and impact of FBOs and their contributions to a more inclusive and sustainable society inside Europe.

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Ahmadis targeted through deliberate separate voter lists in Pakistan

Ahmadis targeted through deliberate separate voter lists in Pakistan

The Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience (CAP LC) and the International Human Rights Committee (IHRC) have been alerting the international community for years about the persistent persecution of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Pakistan. The latest press release from the IHRC highlights the alarming situation where the Pakistani government, in collaboration with local officials, has implemented a discriminatory practice of creating separate voter lists for Ahmadi citizens. This tactic aims to expose and target the Ahmadiyya community, leading to further discrimination and violence against them.

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Stop Amhara Genocide Releases Alarming Report on Escalating Attacks Against Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia

Stop Amhara Genocide Releases Alarming Report on Escalating Attacks Against Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia

Stop Amhara Genocide, a human rights organization dedicated to raising awareness about the ongoing Amhara genocide in Ethiopia, has released a comprehensive report detailing the escalating attacks on Orthodox Christians in the country. The report, titled “The Escalating Attacks on Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia,” sheds light on the systematic persecution, violence, and discrimination faced by adherents of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, one of the oldest Christian denominations in the world.

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UN Human Rights Council Draft Resolution Calls for Strengthened Protection of Minority Rights

UN Human Rights Council Draft Resolution Calls for Strengthened Protection of Minority Rights

The United Nations Human Rights Council is currently considering a draft resolution (A/HRC/55/L.22) that aims to bolster the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities. The resolution, sponsored by a diverse group of countries, emphasizes the need for States to take concrete measures to ensure the full enjoyment of minority rights and promote social cohesion.

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Oral declaration : Item 10: Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral report on Ukraine

Oral declaration : Item 10: Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral report on Ukraine

At the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, CAP Liberté de Conscience and Human Rights Without Frontiers will raise the alarming issue of approximately 20,000 Ukrainian children who have been forcibly transferred from occupied Ukrainian territories to Russia. Despite the efforts of NGOs and the mediation of Qatar, which have led to the rescue and reunification of only a few hundred children with their families in Ukraine, the scale of this crime against humanity remains staggering.

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CAP Freedom of Conscience involvement UNITED NATIONS


Reconciliation through recognition: Transitional justice and peacebuilding through civil society dialogue

Peace and justice are inevitable part of any post-conflict reconciliation. It is therefore necessary to streamline efforts aimed at strengthening the linkage between them while ensuring broad participation of civil society to this aim. This would not only serve to bringing justice and broaden the rule of law, but would also help healing wounds thereby contributing to post-conflict peace- building and reconciliation processes through the multi-stakeholder approach.

The need to address challenges to civil society participation in light of restrictions, including due to the Strategic Heritage Plan (SHP)

Civil society participation is a cornerstone of the Human Rights Council. Given continuing restrictions to civil society participation, including the Council’s adoption of efficiency measures to address the UN’s financial shortfalls; the COVID-19 pandemic2; and the ongoing Strategic Heritage Plan, we call on you to continue to ensure full participation of civil society and that civil society are fully consulted in the making of decisions that affect civil society participation and access to the Council. We are concerned that without such consultation, decisions on issues relating to participation and procedure will be taken without full consideration of all key stakeholders, to the detriment of the Council’s effectiveness.

Call for submissions International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia

CAP Liberté de Conscience, along with Human Rights Without Frontiers and other international NGOs, are very concerned about repeated massacres of Amharas in total impunity in Ethiopia as well as mass arrests by the Ethiopian federal government of Amhara activists, journalists and other critics.

42th UPR Session PAKISTAN Jan – Feb 2023 Persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan

No society can claim to be idealisticly egalitarian as certain elements of every society always claim superiority over the others, either on ethnic, numerical, or religious basis and try to usurp some rights of the weaker segments, but the governing forces of the societies usually play positive regulatory role in order to quell the unruly advancements of the powerful groups in order to safeguard the rights of the minorities or those weaker segments. In modern world the States have promulgated and implemented laws to guarantee basic human rights for all of its citizens irrespective of their caste, creed or religion and many States have guaranteed these basic human rights by incorporating them in their Constitution or are otherwise accepted by the humanity, while assuring its citizens and international community that the guaranteed right would not be violated at any cost and in case of violation the aggrieved person would be allowed some kind of remedy by approaching the Constitutional Courts for enforcement of those rights.

HRC 50 Oral statement at the UN for prosecution of Patriarch Kirill

CAP Liberté de Conscience shares its deep concerns with Human Rights Without Frontiers which has documented, for the International Criminal Court, the grave responsibility of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia in the outbreak and extension of Russia’s war on Ukraine.

CAP calls upon the U.N. to collaborate with the ICC which is currently busy evidencing war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine and identifying the perpetrators to be held accountable.

HRC 50 : Civil Society Appeal for Release of Russian Political Prisoner Vladimir Kara-Murza

The Civil Society Coalition believes that the war in Ukraine will stop when the Russian people are able to express their opposition to it. We therefore urge the Human Rights Council, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Secretary-General along with all other relevant UN human rights mandate-holders and special procedures to speak out and demand the release of all prisoners of conscience detained by the Russian Federation for the crime of opposing its aggression in Ukraine.

HRC 50 : The Two Human Rights Covenants and Freedom of Religion or Belief

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) became international law in 1976. As we all know, they are the cornerstones of the United Nations human rights system.

HRC 50 : Incidents targeting the Amhara community

HRC 50 : Incidents targeting the Amhara community

HRC 50 : Item 4 Interactive dialogue on the oral briefing of the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia

Item 4 Interactive dialogue on the oral briefing of the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia

Seminar Effective Parliamentarism and the Tai Ji Men Case

Hybrid forum where scholars and Tai Ji Men members will discuss the importance of robust parliamentarism in building peaceful, equitable, and inclusive societies as well as transparent and accountable institutions. They will explore the Tai Ji Men case, and iconic case where a democratic Parliament failed to keep rouge bureaucrats in check, while calling for effective parliamentarism to clarify the injustices vested on the spiritual movement and others.

Conflict prevention through the protection of the human rights of minorities

On 13 July 2021, Fernand de Varennes, Special Rapporteur on minority issues, addressed a side-event on the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims Worldwide organised by the International Human Rights Committee and the “Coordination des associations et des particuliers pour la liberté de conscience”, along with colleagues on freedom of religion or belief and on freedom of expression. He pointed out how Ahmadis appear to be increasingly marginalised as minorities in a number of countries, subjected even to severe restrictions on the practice of their religion with other members of their community, and targeted by hate speech in social media. »

Side-event : Violations of Houthis militias against children in Yemen

Violations of Houthis militias against children in Yemen

Side event Human Rights In Yemen

The eminent experts here present, that I will introduce to you, will address several issues related to human rights violations in Yemen perpetrated by the Houtis. The purpose is to enlighten us and more important, to alert international bodies on the unbearable humanitarian disaster that has been taking place since 2014 in Yemen, and which makes this country and its people one of the most damaged of the century.


The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (“AMC”) firmly adheres to Islam. Ahmadi Muslims believe that the founder of their Community, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India, was a subordinate non-law bearing prophet who claimed to be the same messiah and reformer foretold by Prophet Muhammad and awaited by all Muslims. An estimated 400,000 Ahmadi Muslims currently live in Indonesia

side events to the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council : freedom of conscience and physical integrity

The two NGOs, CAP Liberté de Conscience and Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, co-organized a series of two side events to the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council on March 22 and March 23, 2022. The themes of the series addressed central topics of society and humankind: freedom of conscience and physical integrity.

Abolitionist and Retentionist States, UN experts, and Civil Society Make a Unified Call for Action to Repeal of the Death Penalty for Apostasy and Blasphemy at the first Hybrid UN Human Rights Council side-event in 2022

Abolitionist and Retentionist States, UN experts, and Civil Society Make a Unified Call for Action to Repeal of the Death Penalty for Apostasy and Blasphemy at the first Hybrid UN Human Rights Council side-event in 2022

HRC 49th Session General debate on Item 5 Montenegro: Double standards in Georgii Rossi’s extradition case

We would like to draw the attention of the Council and the Subcommittee on the prevention of torture with regard to the human rights situation in Russia, a country requesting from Montenegro the extradition of a Ukrainian citizen.

HRC 49th Session General debate on Item 4 situation in Balochistan

We are deeply concerned about the situation in Balochistan which has been monitored for years by the Brussels-based NGO Human Rights Without Frontiers.


This submission outlines how Clause 9 is likely to result in an increase in citizenship deprivation orders that are incompatible with the UK’s international and domestic human rights obligations and highlights that it would allow the UK Government to retrospectively legitimise previous unlawful deprivation decisions. It recommends that Clause 9 be removed from the Bill and that the UK Government undertake not to reintroduce it in this or any other Parliamentary session.

HRC 49th Session General debate on Item 3 : Human Rights Situation in Balochistan

It has already depleted the gold, uranium, and other valuable deposits in many parts of Balochistan. Now, the Baloch coast is nearly void of marine life, which has been the backbone of their economy for centuries.

Coalition of 220 ECOSOC Accredited NGOs Call for New United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution to Protect Tamils from Genocide, to name a Special Rapporteur for North East of Sri Lanka and to Recognize Tamils Rights to self-determination

We, the undersigned organizations, with support of more than 7200 organization in the World, urge the Member States of the HRC to pass a strong resolution at the upcoming 49th Session, affirming an international commitment to protect human rights and justice in Sri Lanka, with a particular focus on Tamils victims of Genocide in Sri Lanka.

HRC 49 : Montenegro double standards in extradition cases: Georgii Rossi’s case

For many years, Montenegro has expressed its firm intention to become part of the European Union. To become an EU member state, Montenegro will have to implement multiple reforms, fight against corruption, respect human rights and eradicate double standards in the application of legal norms, including in extradition cases.

A call to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights about the human rights situation in Afghanistan

The challenges from lived experiences came very early to me, the moment I decided to work as an activist for the upliftment of the vulnerable sections of the population. On the one hand, my appointment as a Mayor in Wardak province (which is among the most conservative regions in Afghanistan) was lauded as a significant step in the democratically elected government’s commitment towards women empowerment. At the same time, my mayorship was the beginning of direct confrontation with the country’s conservative forces and the Taliban. In the last two years, I survived three assassination attempts and lost my father and numerous friends, and so many loved ones to the Taliban assassins.

HRC 49 : Freedom of expression and the media muzzled in Ukraine: the case of Anatolij Sharij

This article states that ‘an act willfully committed by a citizen of Ukraine in the detriment of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability, defense capability, and state, economic or information security of Ukraine: joining the enemy at the time of martial law or armed conflict, espionage, assistance in subversive activities against Ukraine provided to a foreign state, a foreign organization or their representatives, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to fifteen years.’

Russia: UN General Assembly should suspend Russia’s membership of UN Human Rights Council

Likewise, in its Resolution 49/1 adopted on 4 March 2022, the Human Rights Council ‘condemned in the strongest possible terms the human rights violations and abuses and violations of international humanitarian law resulting from the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine’. The Council expressed ‘grave concern at the documented harm to the enjoyment of many human rights, including the rights to life, education, and the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, caused by Russian shelling and bombing in populated areas’. Further, Council resolution 49/1 expressed grave concern at reports of ‘gross and systematic violations and abuses of human rights’, thereby invoking the explicit language of GA Resolution 60/251 in so far as concerns the threshold
for suspension

CAP Freedom of Conscience involvement in Europe

Faith and Freedom Summit

The Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe (ACRE) launched the “Faith and Freedom...

“1,5 million jailed for their faith”: Religious persecution in China denounced at the European Parliament

Bitter Winter (28.06.2018) - https://bit.ly/2II2Sfq - The situation of religious liberty in China...

Freedom of religion or belief and the rights of asylum : The case of China

The Coordination of the Associations and the People for Freedom of Conscience is a european NGO...

Faith and Freedom Summit 2018

Mr Jan Zahradil, MEP, is sending this invitation to the "Faith and Freedom Summit: Practicing what...

Freedom of Religion or Belief and the Right to Asylum: The Case of China

Freedom of Religion or Belief and the Right to Asylum: The Case of China European Parliament ASP...


Since the beginning of the century, religious matters have emerged as a critical issue in national and international political agendas. However, starting in the 1980-1990s, a question started preoccupying certain European States: the emergence of new religious and spiritual groups coming from abroad, from Northern America or the East, or the spontaneous appearance of new spiritual movements, besides traditional Churches and worldviews well integrated in society.

Anti sect movements and laicite

Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) Working Session 6: Freedom of thought, conscience,...

Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) I: Freedom of Religion or Belief: Issues, Opportunities, and the Specific Challenges of Combatting Anti-Semitism and Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, Muslims, and Members of Other Religions

FECRIS claims in its by-laws that its activities do not enter « the religious field » and declares to be neutral in this matter. Why is it then that the Vice-President of FECRIS, an organization registered in secular France and massively financed by the French State, is Alexander Dvorkin, a Russian citizen blessed, financed and missioned by the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch to combat religious minorities perceived as competitors?

Freedom of religion prevails again at Council of Europe

Today in the Parlementary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Rapporteur Valeriu Ghiletchi...

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Conference EU Parliament : oppression of minorities in Iran and women rights

Conference EU Parliament : oppression of minorities in Iran and women rights

They have also encountered restrictions on their language and cultural rights. For instance, the Azeri language, which is widely spoken in Iran, has faced limitations in official settings, education, and media. Iranian law imposes certain restrictions on women, such as compulsory hijab and gender-based segregation in public spaces. It is important to emphasize that these issues are not unique to women of ethnic minority backgrounds in Iran. Women across the country, regardless of their ethnicity, face legal and social challenges that limit their rights and freedoms. I’d like to illustrate the situation of ethnic minority women in Iran with an emblematic case of persecution.

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Conference EU Parliament : oppression of minorities in Iran and Religious Freedom

Conference EU Parliament : oppression of minorities in Iran and Religious Freedom

It is high time that Iran listened to the voices from around the world imploring it to comply with the universal principles of respect for human rights for all Iranians, and that the persecution, discrimination, and barbaric behavior of another age cease, so that this great country with a rich and glorious history, can once again become the magnificent Iran.

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Oppression of Minorities in Iran : The Azeri Community as an Example

Oppression of Minorities in Iran : The Azeri Community as an Example

Join us tomorrow in the European Parliament to speak about the situation of Minorities and mainly the Azeri community. The debate aims at supporting 30 million Southern Azerbaijanis who suffer under the Iranian rule. The rights of this ethnic group must be guaranteed by anyone who claims to be an opposition leader, whether it is cultural autonomy or independence.

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Taiwan : International Forum on Peace and Human Rights Freedom of Religion or Belief : The Case of Tai Ji Men at the United Nations

Taiwan : International Forum on Peace and Human Rights Freedom of Religion or Belief : The Case of Tai Ji Men at the United Nations

“religion and spirituality live in the hearts of the believers, but they create communities, and communities cannot exist without places where they can gather. For many religious and spiritual groups, these gathering places do not serve a functional purpose only. Land where devotees gather becomes sacred land. Religion and spirituality live in time and space. They separate portions of time and space from the daily temporal and spatial flow, appropriate them for themselves, and invest them with spiritual meanings. Taking their spaces away from spiritual movements means cutting their deepest roots.”

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